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Creature Handling..


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Question about it can u tame any or all creatures, including krayts,rancors etc =D.


Cause i am gonna start big as a handler so im just wondering =D,Thx for any info on this suject cya in a few days i don't have SWG yet but its a acoming :c3po:

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Okay, Krayts were added to the untamable list, just so you know.


As far as taming, after you attain novice Creature Handler, you will need to go find a baby creature.


use the tab button to scroll through nearby targets, until you find a baby you like.


Use /maskscent to approach unnoticed.


then click and hold on the baby you are trying to tame. The tame option should be on the radial dial. You can also /tame


Keep in mind, that the nice creatures will be unavailable to you until you get a couple skill boxes of Creature Taming.


Little creatures fighting bigger ones get you more XP anyway.


Anyway, you then have to train the creature. Click the radial open, scroll over train and it should bring up the options. Choose either Release, Attack, or Follow. After clicking the button, simply type what you want the command to be in the chat box and enter it. You will get a message of whether or not you succsessfully trained it.

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Another question about the creatures:


In the couple hours that I was able to be on.


I noticed that the baby creatures appeared to be smaller than the others, when you tame them and start to experience them up do they get bigger as well?

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