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ok heres how


Now have made a large area with structural brushes and only detail on some small buildings... but as ya know from my other post i kept getting the MAX VISIBILITY ERROR



but then i had an APIPHANY


in the BSP it says BLOCK SIZE 1024 1024 1024

this is seperate to Gridsize as thats for the light


so i tried typing in BlockSize

4096 4096 4096


and now its rendering :D


dont know if it will work.. but by the looks of it its part of the vis size and increases the size of the brushes you can have.. I HOPE :p

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Blocksize is the default splitting size for VIS portals. It doesn't mean that you can't have bigger than that (but you can't ;)), it means that starting from (0, 0, 0) VIS will create a split in every <blocksize> units without asking you. So making blocksize bigger makes fewer splits and fewer portals. This is useful every time, especially with large open areas wich you have, LDJ. :D

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