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X-34 landspeeder price


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I have the star-wars book the essential guide to vehicles and vessels... I assume u guys can get in pdf format if u dont have it..


The price Luke Skywalker payed for his X-34 was 2400 credits according to the book... lol i have 11k in the bank right now, When land vehicles come out I hope they have the T-16 that would be bad ass!

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Artisans can make REAL easy cash, but destroy missions are good also. If I hadnt been buying lots of armor and traveling to other cities wasting money cause Im dumb, Id have about 25k total.


Right now my bank account has only about 5k =/

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I'm not so sure - I've had a couple of Food/Chem crafting kits - which I figured would sell becuase medics need them - and not one of them has sold - so I am totally poor until I can get some of them off the shelves. :r2d2:

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Originally posted by SD_ReBoRN__

How do you have so much money already?


I started on Corellia, and I did the delivery mission u do two at a time and only do the 600+ ones and make sure that the final drop off location is right next to the city not off in the forest or on a mountain... I did that for a while on my 1st day yesterday I mainly went for XP.. Me and a friend went to Tatoonie (its hard to make money there but great for XP) to meet a another friend that got the game.. I got Expert Pistol now and Adv ranged support.. from 4am to 5am I made 3k doing deliverys and stopping to fight creatures... I doubt they will sell the land speeder so cheap though... U can make 2400 in 40min or less....

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I average about 3,000 credits an hour, soloing. The money is there, if you are skilled enough to make it. Also, in that hour, I normally collect over 200-300 organics


Groupping I average about 1,500 credits an hour, but can stay out longer. In this hour, even though I kill more and gain more combat XP, I onyl get 100 organics because I have to share.


Moral, sharing is not good. You will get less combat and weapon XP soloing, but the Scout XP, organics and loot well make up for it.

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I've been too busy with other things to worry about credits(until I need to travel to another planet or buy an upgrade to my weapon or something in that nature), but I see how you could make that much money already.


I can take on missions paying around 1400 by myself(I really dont think you should get this much for going out to destroy a Gnort lair) and then come back and sell my meat, hides, and bones to the Bazaar and they always get sold.


Usually by the time a mission is over and my items are sold, I have about 2300 in the bank.

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You're not going to see the that cheap by a long shot, the cost for some brand new guns is around 3k for starters and they aren't made of more than 200 units of various materials. A fullsuit of bone armour is around 10k if i recall from Beta. So a brand new speeder is going to be around 9-15k mark, bringing it around the same price of a small house.

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Well thats based on the prices for resources once the ecomomy has settled, I was lucky enough to get into beta 3 when most of the servers were being brought up so i got to see what a fully functioning ecomomy looked like as well as a new one. On the whole the prices for a new ecomomy are through the roof compared to one that has settled down.


Typically it works out to around 5-7 credits per 1 unit of meat, hide or bone. and 2-4 credits for survayable resources like metals, flora and water ect.. Energy tended to fall in around that same mark as well and when you think about what happens when you actually sample by hand it makes sense.


If you're pulling up around 8-9 units of a resource every 20 seconds then it reasonably breaks down to around 2 seconds for every 1 unit. Thus you get an easy conversion of 1 sec of work = 1 credit which is very fair.


Naturally if you find a low concentration for something then in order to be competative you need to demand less than for what you actually put in for time spent sampling, but it's only your fault for not finding a higher concentration then.


Houses typically need at least 1000 metal for just a single slot, so thats 2k to 4k right off of the bat. There is the other metals included but they tend to only make up around 1/3 of the cost compared to the major component. So imagine what a speeder is like, then imagine what a small space fighter costs.... then imagine what a cargo frieghter costs!!

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