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character is now gone after down time??????????


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Originally posted by leelatt

where the heck has my charecter gone, he is a novice droid engineer, just got him there, then when servers go up he is gone, any one care to explain????????????????????


Some servers got whiped im afraid, looks like it was the one you were playing on. ;)

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They didnt purposely wipe the characters, it was a roll back that they didnt even realize happened. All the players in the game were effected to. :(


I lost a few hours myself to. It does really suck, but it was only a few hours of gameplay so im not to worried about it.


there is probably nothing SOE will be able to do to. :(

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Originally posted by toolfan

They didnt purposely wipe the characters, it was a roll back that they didnt even realize happened. All the players in the game were effected to. :(


I lost a few hours myself to. It does really suck, but it was only a few hours of gameplay so im not to worried about it.


there is probably nothing SOE will be able to do to. :(


This REALLY upsets me! (Not your post, toolfan, but the topic).


It REALLY upsets me because I (and MANY other beta testers) have been waiving a red flag for MONTHS to SOE about this rollback bug! We flat out TOLD them this was going to happen in full release if they released when they did!


Sony has known about this rollback bug for a *looooong* time. They just haven't prioritized it high enough (until recently) as something worth fixing quickly. I'm glad to hear they are finally working on it. It's a shame it had to wait until release to happen, though, because now paying customers are suffering through the same hell that we beta testers were going through.


One thing you DON'T do in an MMO after initial release: allow characters to be deleted. That's pretty much rule #1.


And the problem is that the bug is MUCH more insidious than just making you lose a couple hours of work! Sometimes the rollback bug will happen to you and completely wipe out a character that you've had for several weeks. I had been working up a scout to Novice Creature Handler for weeks. I finally got him trained as a CH and had to log out for the night. When I logged back in the next morning, not only was he NOT a novice CH any more....he was GONE. And, there was no published pwipe either (in fact, there flat out was NO pwipe, because my friend on the same server had all his character in tact).


I'm sorry to say it, but expect this to happen again until you hear official word that it has been fixed. Everytime we bring it to SOE's attention they say they "need more data". Well, they've been collecting data on this bug at least since March, and apparently still don't have enough to fix it.


Welcome to "paid beta", Sony style :)

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Have you left your PC since the game was released leelatt? Droid Engineer? That fast? How much of a rollback are we talking about here? My PA's Architect just made Architect last night, and he has been running 24/7 with the insane fury of a demon. I honestly don't know how you people do it. I'm lucky if I get four hours a night, and that cuts into my sleep as I have to take care of the kids at night. I wish I was a teen again, though my parents never would have paid for this for me. ;)

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the bugs and balance issues I can get over that, but the rollbacks, those better not happen again, like they have been since the launch. its really getting frustrating to lose a few hours at a time. a few hours isnt that big of deal but when it happens constantly like it has been then it becomes a huge problem.

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