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MACROs & surplus loot


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Could I get some advice on how to set up a macro that involves switching weapons during a combat? It was extremely annoying and tedious this morning to have to use the radial menu and hot keys continually to go from blaster to dagger/axe/polearm in the middle of a fight :( Is there something like /stand; /weapon1; etc. ?


My other question is what should I do with all the extra loot that I do not need? I've been able to sell only one item to a junk vendor and have a stone knife and axe that are weighing me down. Are they basically valueless and should be handed out to new characters?




P.S. This game is fabulous, bugs and all :)

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To switch weapons during combat:

Open your inventory window. Now, drag any weapons your would like to use to the top of your screen and place them in your quick bar. Then all you have to do is click the appropriate F-key and the weapon will be pulled out or put away.


Note, this also works to put the weapon away. So if you wish to swtich to unarmed, then just hit the button for the weapon you are currently armed with.


As far as your next question, yeah, basically, if you can't sell it to a junk dealer, then junk it. SOme players may want some of the junk, but most of it is useless.

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