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UK gamers and pre-ordering


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Hello my friends just want a few bits of information, i being a gamer want to get SWG 6 mounths early and will play on the USA servers, but i wish to have some info.


Any UK gamers pre order the game and from where, have you recieved your game yet.....and is there much lagg.


I myself have used DVDboxoffice.com to know has anyone els used this site, and if yes have they recieved their copy. Using this sitye it will only cost me £30 inclueding postages. Please can any please inform me how long i should exspect to wait to get this much loved game.....


Thanks all....

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I ordered my copy of SWG from dvdboxoffice on the 6th of June and it hasn't been dispatched yet. I'm guessing that they've already shipped their first batch to prior pre-orders to mine, guess im gonna have to wait until they get more copies.


I emailed dvdboxoffice and they said that the free shipping option can take from anywhere between 7-21 days. There is a courier option if i remember rightly, you may be better off choosing that if you want it sooner and can affor the extra.


Hope this helps




BTW - I was in beta and lag wasn't an issue during UK peak hours, i'm not sure if the experience is any different in live.

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I orderd mine in feburary, did you jsut order the game, or theother wish list thing.....i aint got the game yet and i want it, i emailed them with no respose......i think my worries are not justified i recon ill get my game soon, but i think they got have anough info on their site telling you what stage your order is at.....

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I pre-ordered the game on June 6th. I looked on their website and it has changed from a per-order to an open order, it doesnt show that it has been processed in any way so far.


It usually takes about 2 days, in my experience, for them to respond to email during the week, maybe more for the weekend. Im sure you'll get a repy soon.


Good Luck





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I ordered mine last wednesday, it arrived today but the gamestop.com site completely failed to mentioned that you need to pay an addtional 'Cash of Delivery' charge. Since I was at work today it means that while I could have been playing tonight I now have to sit around the house tomorrow on my day off waiting for them to show up so i can pay them.


The CoD fee isn't that bad but i wish I'd been told there was an addtional handling fee or even the ability to arrange for the delivery on a specific day. :mad:

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It referes to additional charges in the FAQ on their site, but probably should have mentioned it in the ordering process as well.



It is your responsibility to pay all applicable customs fees and/or taxes



Unfortunetely you are always expected to pay for additional customs/tax charges when you import something from outside the EU, note these charges are charged by the government and not dvdboxoffice, thats why you pay it at the door. Fortunetely the process of charging the extra is pretty hit and miss in my opinion, sometimes you get stung, sometimes you dont :)


Has you order been shipped yet tabloidjunky? I'm starting to wish i ordered from gamestop now, after reading Tal-N's post.



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Has you order been shipped yet tabloidjunky? I'm starting to wish i ordered from gamestop now, after reading Tal-N's post.


Well i've now ordered from gamestop as well. They only have the collectors ed in stock but it says it'll ship within 24hrs. Whichever one ships first i'll cancel the other , and if i'm unlucky and they both ship at the same time i'm sure someone will buy it off me (hint hint).



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well, I've followed your lead chindi_demos. I ordered a copy of SWG from Gamestop and have cancelled my dvdboxoffice order.


It looks like my copy has already shipped from Gamestop within a few hours of placing my order! I just hope that dvdboxoffice cancels my order before they ship it cause they have a tendency to be very S-L-O-W at replying to email. Oh well, if I get shipped both copies i suppose i could always flog one to a computer exchange(CEX) or something.


The only problem with this whole process was that I've had to order the CE from Gamestop, rather than the SE, which is an extra $30 (More with VAT!?!). Just hope I get that graduate job soon so I can afford to play!


Heres hoping it turns up soon :)



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Hello, Im from England... I pre-orderd the game from importmadness.co.uk , next shipment is the 9th of july and selected airmail. Could any of you give me an estimate of when the game will come to my door??:D Im REALLY, REALLY desperate to get it!:fett:

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Hey Bish , my copy of the CE has shipped as well!


Must say i'm impressed with gamestop , especially the stock levels and delivery ETA being listed on site.


And the UPS order tracking thingy is good too.


So long dvdboxoffice.


Cheers , chindi :)

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Thats a point. The UPS tracking thing was fantastic to know where your copy is... over the weekend, my copy of the Collectors edition was sat collecting dust at Derby Airport for two sodding days! :rolleyes:


I was impressed with the speed of gamestop though, and although it cost me so much, I've heard that the C.E version isn't being released in the UK... so I'm not bothered! :D

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There is no noticable lag I play at peak times and off time on tarquinas and my ping rarely goes above 155 peak and off peak its usually around the 140 mark


(I know what you mean about derby it was driving me nuts too)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Won it on the Thursday it arrived Tuesday from Germany. Check Ebay. Theres alot of copies on sale in the UK.


When ordering from the US or outside Europe, watch out for Tax. It can add a whopping £10-£15


Im still trying to overcome crashing problems with the game but I am happy as hell....i think ;-)




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Your right, that UPS tracker is really cool. All it is lacking is an automatically updated onscreen map, like the travel scenes in Indiana Jones, so I can keep it on my screen until the package turns up at my door :)


What i still can't work out is why UPS charged me $40 to ship three beta CDs in a cardboard sleve to the UK, and yet I'm only getting charged half that for the CE box.....go figure :confused:


Hows Eclipse doing BTW. Packed out yet?



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I don't live in UK, but I live in Europe (Sweden).


i got a question for you UK:ers. I've read on gamestop and eb that you'll have to send them an address vertification from your bank. Did you guys have to do that? Or is it just "random"? I'm considering ordering a copy.. seems that the deliverytimes are very short.


Thankful for answers.

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Well Eclispe Starstrider and another one that escapes me at the moment are all maxed and real hard to get play time on let alone set up a character.



And address verification is only sometimes... Gamestop will contact you if they need it done.. if you do contact you bank and ask them how to go about it,,

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All it is lacking is an automatically updated onscreen map, like the travel scenes in Indiana Jones, so I can keep it on my screen until the package turns up at my door


Ha Ha....well it IS Lucasarts Bish , maybe Indy is flying it over as we speak.....lets just hope no 109's catch up with him :D

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Holy Moly!


I dont believe it! My copy of SWG is already in derby GB! Incredible, only ordered it yesterday.


Shame its probably gonna sit there for a while like a couple of others said in this thread.


Oh, dvdboxoffice customers, I got a reply to an email I sent to dvdboxoffice asking how long it would take to fulfil my order, The reply I got is shown below.






We do apologize, but unfortunately, Star Wars Galaxies, the PC game has

been extremely allocated throughout North America. We will be filling all

of our orders on a first come, first served basis.


There has been an extreme shortage on this game in order to make sure that

the server's all run smoothly. Once this has been confirmed, there is

expected to be another shipment.


We apologize for the delay and for any inconveniences this may have caused.

We would like to thank you for placing your order with us. We look

forward to serving you again soon.






I've since cancelled with them but havent had a cancellation confirmation yet (No Supprise there then). My advice is, if you dont mind getting the CE and want SWG quickly then order it from Gamestop.


Sorry dvdboxoffice, you just didn't cut it this time



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