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problem with env/electricity!


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Yeah, I'm trying to make a mp map, and I want electricity effects. well, I take a fx_runner, and type in fxfile for the value, and the key env/electricity. Then I point them to a target position, and in game, it does not show up!!! ????


and when I get trid of the target position it still does not show up!

Please help!

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i am too laxy atm to look but it appears your file name "env/blahblah" is too short. i think u may have left some folder names out. also where is the .efx :rolleyes: that might be why








(thats what i use for fire and it works. I think u just forgot to add the effect/ and .efx to the path name.;)

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Hmm... interesting.


I use fxFile with capital F (tried with lowercase F and it worked too), and only twoofakind/fountain without effects/ and .efx, and works very well.


Nah, I took a look on that efx file. It seems to be wrong. :) Open it up in EffectsEd and you will see that there are two segments, but both of them is inactive (the checkmark is missing). Check them in, and save the effect, then run your map (no recompilation is needed).


If it works (worked for me), then copy that effect to a different directory where you (will) store the effects for your map, since now it is not the same effect file that came with the game originally and you have to distribute it with the map..

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yes i just made a map to make sure and it works. type




as the path for the fxfile.


lj u kept typing "effect" in your posts and i think that where u went wrong but i dunno. it works for me so there is something that u two aredoing wrong.

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