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The Begining of the War


The Master Chief was sitting at a view screen at the new HQ. After the covenant destroyed New Mambos they had to take extra precautions to make a base so the UNSC KRAGLON-CLASS CRUISER SILENT GHOST the largest ship in the Fleet the Chief had private quarters witch he appreciated since he did not want to be bothered but there was one person who could: Cortana. His A.I. was by far the smartest A.I. ever he appreciated Cortana. She was there when he was in the heart of the battle, when he was injured, and when he needed someone to talk to. Yes. BEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! All hands on deck plasma torpedoes struck boarding parties one of the covenants on decks 5,6,and 7 Chief we need you on deck NOW! I’m on it! Said the Chief. Now it has begun


Part Two coming soon


The Origin of the Flood .

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