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Lupus Tarkona

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I have a couple questions about languages in the game:


1. I have a wookie. How do I learn Basic if I'm not able to speak it?


2. I have Twi'lek which says that it had Lekku Comprehension. Can I use Lekku as a language? If so, how do I switch from Basic to Lekku?

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Wookies already comprehend basic. You can learn to comprehend more languages as other players teach you.


Lekku is only a language that other Twi'leks can understand. So if you switch to speaking lekku no one will know what you are saying it'll appear like "Lupus' head tails twitch".


To switch between languages type the following:


/language basic - you speak basic now

/language rodese - you speak rodese now

/language lekku

/language [fill in blank]

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