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What you want in Trailer 2

Obi-Wan X

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So far there has been no word on if there will be or will not be another trailer.


Personally I think we need one, I really know NOTHING about JA aside from new sabs, levels, character creation, vehicles, etc. I really need some more information before buying it.


I mean, it takes more than a few screenshots and some new sabs to get me interestd in the game, I mean dang.

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mmmm Halo 2, oops, uhh, hey sorry for getting off topic a bit but Gamestop has stores? like ebgames? huh i didnt know that


and what did you say? JA is not an exspansion? (J/K) :D



I think there might be another trailer though, if not I have high hopes for Borlath Mon's trailer

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I'd like to see some saber, double bladed saber and dual saber action from 1st person perspective. I'm a great fan of this POV, I hope this time you will be able in MP and in SP to perform every move you can do from 3rd person (rolls, special moves, kicks...)



You mean like we already had in Jedi Outcast (albeit with a console command)?


Granted, I guess a lot of people still don't realize you can have a fully functional (with flips and special moves, etc) 1st person lightsaber without mods and without cheating in JO multiplayer, but oh well.


It WOULD be nice if they made it as a regular option in setup+controls (so its more obvious).


Why they didn't make the moves available in SP in 1st person, I'll never know. Who cares if the camera doesn't spin around and make you sick? Nobody wants that!

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Why they didn't make the moves available in SP in 1st person, I'll never know. Who cares if the camera doesn't spin around and make you sick? Nobody wants that!


Now this I agree with. I've been using the JediMoves mod, and recently tried the Masters Of The Force mod, and doing all those cartwheels and butterflies in 1st person just made me disoriented.

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Originally posted by Lion275

mmmm Halo 2, oops, uhh, hey sorry for getting off topic a bit but Gamestop has stores? like ebgames? huh i didnt know that


and what did you say? JA is not an exspansion? (J/K) :D



I think there might be another trailer though, if not I have high hopes for Borlath Mon's trailer




Yeah gamestop has stores every where. If u don't have one near you check for soft ware etc, and funcoland gamestop owns them both.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

You mean like we already had in Jedi Outcast (albeit with a console command)?


Granted, I guess a lot of people still don't realize you can have a fully functional (with flips and special moves, etc) 1st person lightsaber without mods and without cheating in JO multiplayer, but oh well.


I know. Actually I'm one of the guys you thanked for pointed it out in Outcast Strategy :D


I mean in Single Player. Flips, rolls etc. are not possible in SP but they are very useful against reborn. I wish this time SP and MP gameplay are the same.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I don't really want another trailer, to be honest. I especially don't want one with 20 minutes of footage. I remember when I first played Jedi Knight, I just tried the demo level first (the fueling station), and then got the game. Prior to that I'd seen a few early screenshots. And I have to say I enjoyed the game a lot more for not knowing what was in it.


I've seen loads of screenshots, an official trailer and a dodgy shaky cam of Jedi Academy, and I know I'm going to like the game based on what I've seen, and the information I've read.


I just don't see the need for these really long trailers showing you half the game, half the enemies, etc., because it must spoil the final effect when you play the full game.


I know I felt that way with Unreal 2, as well. I really kept my finger on the pulse with that game, and scrutinised every screenshot, and watched the trailers...and I was ultimately disappointed when I played the final game. No matter how much you see, or think you see, it just doesn't really compare to playing the game. Devastation...New World Order...Chaser...all were on my Wanted List until I played the demos, and I decided they weren't for me.


So if anything...give me a short demo of JA closer to release so I can try part of a mission myself, which would give me a good feel for the controls, while not revealing too much of the game... :)


Devastation ... that was the name of that game ... boy I hated that too - there IS such a thing as too much interaction. I was quite the stealthy FPS player in Deus Ex, JKII and SoFII, but played that demo and felt like a bull in a china shop ;)


The way I look at it is this - every screenshot, every interview, every trailer, every post to a thread here, takes time away from the delivery of the game in a timely and thoroughly tested state. Now certainly there is some amount of that stuff budgeted in, but given that the unplanned always happens as a project moves along, and other stuff comes along, this stuff really does start to collide.


I personally assume that we'll see another trailer, but almost wish we wouldn't. I assume we're about 2 months away from the game (~mid-Sept), just about everything about the game is pretty much locked in by now, and while a new trailer would be cool in that it would detail many features we've only seen in words or screenshots, what would it really do? Most people here - regardless of how much they might b*tch about this or that from JKII - are probably going to buy JA soon after release. Why? We all know JA is *evolutionary* from JKII - so if you basically liked JKII (even if you found things annoying), you'll like JA. If, however, you hated everything about JKII - graphics, controls, etc - you probably won't like JA, and a new trailer won't tell you anything new, just give you JA-bashing fodder.


Like Stormhammer, I played the JK demo and loved it! Same for MotS. The game plays like the demo - I feel the same for the JKII demo. I'm sure we'll see another post-release demo, which is fine with me. If you are pumped for the game, buy it (get in line behind me ;) ). If you are that skeptical, wait.


... of course, I'd like to say that if a new trailer came out I'd be able to avoid watching and discussing it ad nauseum, but .... not likely.



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I don't mind seeing more trailers... I don't care for what purpose they release a trailer, it's just that I want to see more footage before the game comes out! I think Raven/LA is doing a great job with the info on the LA JA site, some new screens, models here and there :)


I don't think trailers are meant to convince people, at least that's not it's main goal. Trailers are for loyal fans like us to keep us happy :D The Duke Nukem Forever community must be pretty small by now, at least the active part of the community. Why? There haven't been any new screenshots of DNF; all we have are the QuakeII engine screens!!

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Originally posted by HertogJan

I think Raven/LA is doing a great job with the info on the LA JA site, some new screens, models here and there :)


Agree there! The press kit was quite a treat, too!


I don't think trailers are meant to convince people, at least that's not it's main goal. Trailers are for loyal fans like us to keep us happy :D


I disagree. Trailers are commercials, advertisement. You don't sell advertising to get people you already have - you sell to people who don't know your product, or to get the general community pumped about the game. Not to say 'here you go fan-boys, get busy with your frame-by-frame analysis and 1000-post threads on the comparison of our double saber to Darth Maul's'.


The Duke Nukem Forever community must be pretty small by now, at least the active part of the community. Why? There haven't been any new screenshots of DNF; all we have are the QuakeII engine screens!!


The DNF community is small because anyone with sense has given up waiting for release. (I have no such sense ;) ). The game was 'coming soon' when JK was new and MotS wasn't out. It was 'available for pre-order' at Amazon at the same time as Obi-Wan for the PC. It was called 'definitely a 2000 game' ... and so on. Would a new trailer re-invigorate the community? It would restart the community, more like. But it would have to look very good ...



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Originally posted by txa1265

I disagree. Trailers are commercials, advertisement. You don't sell advertising to get people you already have - you sell to people who don't know your product, or to get the general community pumped about the game. Not to say 'here you go fan-boys, get busy with your frame-by-frame analysis and 1000-post threads on the comparison of our double saber to Darth Maul's'.


Oops sorry, I didn't really type what I meant I think :o That happens some times you know :) What I meant that I don't really see them as advertising, since I know more about JA than most reviewers out there :rolleyes: And the meaning of the trailer to US, is to keep us happy right? We get excited of every tidbit of info here :D Of course for Raven it's merely another form of advertising...


Hmm, hard to say what I mean :(

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Hmm, hard to say what I mean :(


Let me try ...


Trailers are of a dual purpose ... LA/Raven use them as advertising to the general public / media. But for people who hang around here, it is just more drool-fodder / bash-bait (depending on your leanings).


How's that?




BTW - what's that with people saying that they don't want JA to 'look like JO'? I don't seem to hear that for the new MoH games ... OF COURSE it will look like JO, wouldn't have it any other way ...

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