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What Proffesion should i chose???


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Hey everone, I just had to ask a quick opinion of everyone out there. My friends and I are going to being working together as a team and we hope to be self sefician and be able to live out in the wild other than the occassional trades. We hope to all contribute some how to the group. There are three of us, one is a scout\pistolere, and the other is a musician. The scout\pistolere guy can build us camps to stay at and kill things for money and protection and the musician can relieve battle fatigue. Now the QUESTION. What Should I Be??? I was thinking on the lines of a medic but ive never really been one to be a healer. Well please just give me some ideas. Thanks!



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Yup! Thats really what it boils down to. :)

When I finally get round to registering, I intend to get to Bounty Hunter with basic medic skills to save my own skin! Some of the specials for bounty hunter in the three weapon groups (Pistol, Carbine and Rifle) are really damaging!

So even if I don't bother following up the BH profession, the slot will always be there for me to fill, and I'll have some mean special attacks with the more powerful weapons! :angel:

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I've even got it down to spending all 250 skill points allowed!

Master Marksman - 77

Master Scout - 77

Master Bounty Hunter - 63

Novice Medic - 15

(and then fill up 12 points in the Medic tree)

First Aid II - 5

Organic Chemistry II - 5

Pharmacology I - 2

Novice Carbineer - 6 (the carbineer is the only profession that doesn't get a new gun when upgrading to Bounty Hunter)



= 250 skill points! :D

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Just get novice medic. If you are sitting in the camp you could have the entertainer play and you could just /tenddamage and /tendwound all day if you sit there watching! You take mind wounds if you do /tenddamage etc but if you are watching an entertainer while you are doing it, it'll heal in no time at all. Thats what i'd do...

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Originally posted by Jatari Bazrak

heres mine...

Master scout-77

Master Marksman-77

Lightning Rile IV-14

Pistol specailist-14



Muscianship IV-21 +novice Entertainer.

Novice Musician+Musical knowedge III-18

total:249 I'm co. leader of the =A= band. :band1


Co- Leader i thought you were a leader. Co- leader means more or less owner by the way. ;)

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Novice Medic - 15

(and then fill up 17 points in the Medic tree)

First Aid II - 5

Organic Chemistry II - 5

Pharmacology I – 2

Diagnostics II - 5


That seems to be enough in the medic tree to get by quite successfully! Thats 32 points, leaving you with 218 to play with.


92 points to get to Teras Kasi Master, soooo..... 126 points to play with! You need master marksman and master scout to get to BH, so unfortunately, you couldn't do that. You could master carbineer with that many points left... thats another 92 points, so... 34 left. You could spend that on pretty much the rest of the medic tree! Hope that helps a bit. :)

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Sorry it took so long to reply to your reply's. Kinda been busy on this holiday. I appriciate the idea's and i was thinking of doing the combat medic, but i just wish that would have more to do with pistols rather than carbines\long range, whichever it is. So i was thinking i would just do somewhat of a hybrid, would be an interesting experiment. And i was also currious about archetects. I keep looking for details on like where you can build houses and all the smaller things, so if you dont mind could you please tell me what you know of the specifics of the profession.


Once again, Thanks!:ewok:

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well It's takes 142 skill points and an Architect can create houses and house deeds where somone can buy them. Also you can build furniture and other things for houses and when your a master Archetect you can make a deed for a type of guild hall such as genric planet guild halls and planet specific like Naboo, Corellia and Tatooine guild halls. hope that helps.

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