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2 more cutscene questions:


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How can i get a ship to fly?


And you know in the last level of JKII, when kyle walks into the room and desann is in there. Then the cutscene stats, kyle get moved to the other part of the room... how did they move the info_player_start?????? I know how they moved the NPC... he walked.


heres how they did it in the cutscene im talking about:





affect ( "kyle", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )


set ( /*@SET_TYPES*/ "SET_ORIGIN", $tag( "kyle34_move", ORIGIN)$ );





i dont know what they used for the origin...


thanks a lot!!!



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You need a ref_tag, same thing you use for cameras in cutscenes. In this case you'd give it the targetname...




Make sure you have the script saying affect "kyle", thats the scripting name for the player.

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