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best strat for using a pistol and carbine?


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Don't use charge shot. Ever. I'm serious. I took it off my hotkey menu, so I'm not tempted to use it. Why? Because it breaks your gun apart. In one day my gun went from 1000 to 630 quality.


As far as strategy, it depends how far along you are in your skills. I can usually Aim/Full Auto/Leg Shot 2/Warning Shot/repeat, and whites will never touch me.


The good thing about the Carbine is it can be used at both close and long range. Just make sure when you're in close, you use Point Blank Shot.


As far as Pistols go, I don't like them. I'm farther along in Pistol than I am in Carbine, but I hate to use Pistols. It just feels like I'm not getting the job done fast enough.

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lol, Pker. :lol:


well I agree with JR here but I'm having a pistol and rilfe although I might get a carbine I might get one so I have a variety and when you have aromor on you might want to put them on you key pad since you can make it so it's to levels the top and bottom. For then bottom just press shift + F1-F12, and what ever you put in the box will come on that is a good thing to have if you want aromor on since Armor also effects your stats badly well some.

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My god - sentence structure, please people.


My head hurts enough with the amount of game-play I put in. Dont compound that problem by making me have to go through mental gymnastics with having to understand what it is your trying to say. :)

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