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Dieing and Cloning(again)


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Nope. As long as you clone at the actual centre that you first submitted your cloning data, you can infinitely clone.

Otherwise, you can still infinitely clone (say at the nearest cloning centre to you, if you have moved to another planet for example, but haven't changed your cloning location) but with severely damaged stats. I think its 2/3 damage... which is a HELL of a lot!

Hope that helps! :)

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Say if you gave your cloning information to the terminal in Mos Eisley on Tatooine. Right. Basically, every time you die, you get the option to clone there, or, say if you have moved to Mos Entha, on the other side of Tatooine, you can also clone there, but at a severe penalty to your health stats. You only need to clone the once, as long as you don't move far from your cloning city.

INSURANCE, on the other hand, needs to be paid every time you die...

Any clearer for you? :)

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Originally posted by <(IF)>Rouge

since they are gonna put the REAL dieing in,will this still be the same thing.or will it be different?

well there are always people who forget to clone *raises hand* im not a fighter (yet) but i died 2 times :D i forgot to clone.. but fortunatly for me i the glitch was still up when i died for the 3rd time :D
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