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language skills


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As far as I know languages are just a novelty in the game. I couldn't understand what this carpet was saying, so he invited me into the group and tought me to understand Shriwook instantly at no cost of any kind. Once your species goes to outer space, the must get incredibly smart....I think Shriwook is the only language so far.

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I think they kinda screwed the languages, they shoulda made em worth something.


Like... Im a Bothan, I can speak my langauge and other Bothans can understand me. Simple.


You shouldnt be able to teach languages =/


Then they have just... universal engligh or whatever?

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A lot of Beta testers, led by a few moralistic fools like myself, took on the cause of getting languages to cost something. We were extremely upset with the system. We came up with a million solutions the devs didn't like or couldn't code. The short and skinny of it is this, if you want to add flavor to the SWG universe, then don't take them all. It makes the game a lot more interesting.

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Deft I was right there with you, I argued up and down in and out that having the ability to know all languages was against RP, My personal opinion was that each character could learn one other language other then their own at creation, and after either they could not speak other languages or they would cost skill pts, ofcourse our attempt to be true to roleplaying ... appears to have failed.........

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