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requesting an at-at


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No, you actually get to walk around town with an AT-ST if you pay the 90,000. When it dies, you lose it though, so I would think rank would be a priority first. AT-ATs are not available in game, only AT-STs. Unless they changed that. The AT-STs were overpowered in Beta, hence the outrageous cost.

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well they have the at-at listed for requesting so i would guess they are in the game, so it becomes a pet to follow u around, or can u go sit in the cocpit and drive, and carry some friends around, cause that would make taking on rebels so much more easyer

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An AT-AT? I don't know. IF it's available, and assuming you can only use it once, where the heck would you put it? It's so big and obvious, people would come and try to tear it down for the heck of it. Of course, you could kill them, ut what about when you're offline?

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Originally posted by leelatt

i noticed that for 90,000 faction points for imperials u can request an at-at, is this a 1 time only use like the shuttle recall, or can it be used multiple times but only in certain conditions?


I think you mean AT-ST? I don't see any AT-AT perks on the faction bonus list for imp sympathizers. But if they are available, wow! There is a big, big difference between the two.

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I believe the AT-AT would be a bit overpowered. If you say the AT-ST is, I can't imagine what an AT-AT would be like. In the movies, they can stamp out people and their armor can take shots from even the blasters of a fighter (although according to comics/books lasers and thus probably grenades, torpedoes, missiles, etc. can penetrate their hull).


I'm thinking, however, that by the time you've got enough faction points to "buy" an AT-AT, you've got enough faction points to build stuff like walls, traps, automated turrets, and the like to defend your base against newbies and new factions that wants to, as you put it, tear it down for the heck of it. And as for the bigger factions.. well, there can't be that many of those, so they won't be a problem all the time, like harassment from trigger-happy commoners.


It'll be more like "look at that AT-AT, I'd love to destroy it, but I can't with those lasers and that tall wall and those traps like the one that guy just triggered". I suppose so, at least;).

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