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David Copperfield has nuttin on me!


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.... hopefully.

Hey, is there a way to create a brush that you can walk through? As in my example is to create a section of wall that looks solid, but in fact you can walk right through? (and all of this without the clipping process) Help!

-=IJ=- Renik

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When you put a shader with "surfaceparm nonsolid" on ANY surface of a brush, the whole brush becomes non-solid. For instance, if you put kejim/metal2 and doomgiver/forcefield (God knows why) on one brush, you'll be able to walk through the whole thing. Since system/nodraw is one nonsolid shader, when you put that on the unseen surfaces instead of caulk, you can walk through the wall.


Another, more convoluted way of doing things is to make yourself a new shader that maps the texture you wanted to use on the wall, but includes "surfaceparm nonsolid" in its code. To my mind, this is a needlessly complicated way of doing things, it only means a bigger shader file and more shader faces (there is a limit to the number of shader faces you can have visible in-game).

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