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putting a .glm model on a func_rotating with model2 key?


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Can somebody break this down for me? I've got a func_rotating set up like this:

[color=black]classname func_rotating
speed 25
model2 models/map_objects/chapel/holoreelo/model.glm[/color]

However, I can't get the model to show up in-game. Is the .glm format not supported for the "model2" key? Somebody told me it was... not only that, but there was a way to set a "start" and "end" frame for the .glm so that you could have a looping animated model. Am I barking up the wrong tree again?

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No prob -- as a matter of fact, that's becoming the favored way to map. Model and texture your architecture in 3D Studio Max, then export it as a .ase file. Bring the .ase into Radiant as a misc_model, then give it the "spawnflags 2" key/value pair, and you're good to go. No more screwing around with crappy grid-snapping and impossible rotation! This is how most of the maps for JK3 are being made at Raven right now -- use picomodel to load .ase and .obj files, then compile the .map with q3map2 to auto-clip the picomodels. Completely awesome.

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Ah, in that thread I started in the "General Editing" forum, you mentioned using a .glm model in the model2 key...

Originally posted by Emon

Not that I know of, but there's a better way.


Make a func_train and give it the GLM for model2. The train itself should consist of nodraw and origin. The model will be drawn from it's origin to the center of the origin brush, so probably at the waist.


Check the loop spawnflag and plug in startframe and endframe of the GLM's animation frames. Open ModView, go to the frame you want, and use the numbers in the upper right of the screen. If you want it to be a single frame, simply use the same value for the start and the end.


Then there's the hard part. You may have to make clip brushes for the thing, which is really difficult without having the model itself there. :( A lot of guess and check...

This is the stuff I need clarified.
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Well, actually, that is all I'm trying to do. I'm trying to turn the Reelo "skin" into a Reelo "statue" in the position of frame 11317 of models/players/reelo/model.glm. That's all I'm trying to do. I've been able to make a .md3 out of the .glm using Milkshape, but Milkshape loses the animation data upon import--so I can't get to frame 11317. The whole "glm in model2 with startframe and endframe" thing sounded great to me, but I couldn't get it to work.

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Hey, func_train would be fine with me. I was hoping it would work on a func_rotating due to the fact that you mentioned the model2 key, which is available for most of the func_whatever entities, including func_rotating. In any case, a func_train would work in my situation, if I could figure out exactly how to accomplish what you described. Here is the thing: you mention a few keys and spawnflag that didn't show up in the instpector window for a func_train entity. I can't find where I need to check the "loop" spawnflag, and I can't find the option for "start" and "end" frames either. Do you set these on the func_train? Or do you set them in the inspector of the path_corner entity? Sorry, I'm at a loss.

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Originally posted by Emon

Check the loop spawnflag and plug in startframe and endframe of the GLM's animation frames.

Would you mind going into more detail on this step in particular? Also, just for clarifications sake, should the model2 key/value pair be in this format: "model2 path/to/whatever/model.glm" (with whatever path you need)?
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The mentioned spawnflag shows in GtkRadiant 1.2.13, I would assume it would for 1.2.11 since 1.2.13 is not a major update. Try reinstalling.


And er, yeah, that's what you do with model2. I don't get what the problem is you're having.





That would work.

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Thanks for being so helpful, Emon, and sorry that this is such a pain in the ass, but could you help me out with one last thing? I wasn't seeing the "loop" spawnflag checkbox in 1.2.13 or the 1.3.8 beta, so I took your advice and reinstalled 1.2.13--I'm still not seeing it. I get the normal func_train checkboxes ("crush through" et cetera) and two checkboxes that are labeled with question marks. Would you mind looking at a func_train entity that you have set up like this in the past and telling me what the number is for the "loop" spawnflag? I mean, you say to check the "loop" checkbox, but that is really just creating a "spawnflags <#>" key/value pair, right? If I had the number for "loop" I'd be in business, I think.


For that matter, would you mind just running down the list of key/value pairs for your func_train? I need the key names for the "start frame" and "end frame" settings too... I don't see those in the entity description field. Sorry if this sounds stupid, but I just don't see this stuff.

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Hey rgoer, did you get the model to actually show up i the map? If not Chopper seems to have a good grasp on the situation. He even changed the position of the stormtrooper so that it looks right in MILKSHAPE. The only problem he's having now is getting the texture on the model.......or the skin rather. I know he made a post about that in here somewhere.

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