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Help Plz


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Please somone help, im sure im not the only one with this question. I was led to belive my computer would run this game with no problem but thats certainly not the case after playing now for a week. The fps unstableness in the game is driving me crazy and now im stuck having to upgrade my computer which i wasent looking to do sense I just bought it two weeks ago today. But seeing how that seems to be the only way this problem will get fixed I guess I have to but i hear people with a gig of ddr ram complaining still much like I am at 512 ddr and people with a nicer end vid card complaianing so I dont even know what ide need to do to make the game run smooth. Anywho after jabbering on my question to you guys is what do I need exactly to make this game run smooth with a constant fps rate of 25 or more both in city and out?





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Short answer: Without the absolute LATEST generation of EVERYTHING, and at least a gig of RAM, you are NOT going to see a steady fps of 25 or greater. The game engine is specifically designed to not make that possible.


The reason is that if they made it possible to accomplish that now, with all settings set to maximum, then the engine would age very quickly. But now, since there is built-in scalability, you won't think the graphics look so bad in 2.5 - 3 years.


You don't need to upgrade your computer. You need to lower some of your video settings.


I run SWG on:

PIII 600 MHz

512 Mb SDRAM (non-ecc, non-ddr)

64 Mb GF 4 TI 4200

SB Live Value!


I can run the game just fine with all settings set to minimum. And you know what? The game STILL looks great :)


In another 9-12 months, there will be hardware capable of running SWG at a constant 30fps with all settings maxed. That rig just doesn't exist right now, and don't trust anyone who says it does :)

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Mine works fine and I have a bit lower than yours (Pent 4 1.5Ghz, 512MB RDRAM, 128MB Rad 8500) I don't even notice that many slow downs inside cities. Although I don't have my resolution set to 50000X30000 (you know what I mean) I only have it on min, plus I don't have AA on. Just take off some of the excess wieght and you won't sink into the mud.:)

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