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Changing PCs


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I havent been able to play the game yet, but i have a question, if i install this game on a laptop, and create my player and all, what if i want to use a different pc, is it possible to to play with my created player on the other pc??? please help me. !! thanks. sorry for the dumb question.

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IP probably doesn't matter since all narrowband people (and some broadband) have dynamix IPs so.. it should work on any PC. Thats why they have passwords and CD-codes.


All character information is SAVED serverside, so YES anything and everything will be transfered unless the server database is deleted.

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That is correct. When i first got the game I installed it on my dads PC because I was using his. Then I realized his PC was not playing the game as good as mine would so I brought my PC over to my dads house and Installed it on my PC and just logged in like normal. I dont think SOE cares as long as your CD Key maches your Login ID. This is nice because now in the future if I'm at home or my dads i can play SWG anytime.


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