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Launch Par errors (again.....)


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I have got a tiny small problem ....but its really bginning to get on my nerves !!!!!!!!


I have imported the C.E. version of Galaxies from the states as I couldn't do the six month wait thing


All my PC specs are better than the minimum requirements and as far as I know, all my drives are up to date


I have created the Station account, typed in my CD key, sorted out my subscription. All going well so far.......


I enter the launchpad and it begins to analyze my files - thats when I run into trouble. It never ever finishes !!!!!!!!!


I get a swgmdule.dll error, or the scan gets half way then tells me to load my files from hte CD as I have some missing or that they are corrupted.


Has anybody else had a simillar probelm to this ? If so, can it be fixed ?


Yours frustrated in the UK

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I haven't tried them yet


Thought I would try here first incase I was doing something stupid, or had a setting wrong


With so many people on here I thought someone may of had a simillar instance and it might be easier to make a fool of myself on here first ! lol



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