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Help Me! My Mapper Isnt Workin!

Grill Masta

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:confused: :confused: :confused:


Ok heres my problem... plain and simple...


Ive got JK2 radient. and Im relatively new at mappping so please.. be gentle lol.

my problem is my textures wont load.I go to the base folder and then to my shaders and the all come up as black boxes. And radient is having trouble loaing them.. can anyone tell me where i went wrong?


-thanks, Niko

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why do all the new mappers act like they are extracting the textures from their base folders? Is that what your doing? If so don't there is an easier way:p go to textures (it's a little drop down menue in jk2 radiant) then go to the needed texture set. If you have never been able to use textures than i'm guessing that u instaled it improperly.

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