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Question about Skill Trees


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I've read that it's possible to master 3.5 professions for your character. I've seen that skil trees branch into 4 paths, I would be able to just take one branch? That way I would be able to spread out my skills more instead of taking skills I deem unnecissary, or can you only choose 4 professions to dabble in? So if I just took one branch from a proffession I could be in 14 proffessions?


I'll be getting SWG sometime this week and I just want to start working on what skills my character will have.

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It really depends on what you want to do. If you want to master the profession, for example marksman, then you would have to take on all 4 branches and the final block, BUT if you didn't care to master it and wanted to Master Carbineer instead, you can take the carbineer path and climb it to the Carbineer Profession, where you would have to learn all 4 areas. But remember...you can't skip any one block in a line (vertical line) if you don't like the skills it holds. But you don't HAVE to learn all 4 parts columns of a profession unless you intend to master it.

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