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The Great Jedi Hunt HAS BEGUN


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People People, all remember me, the one with Thrawn and Veers pics? :D Anyhow, yesterday a group from anchorhead organized a Tusken Raid hunt. For half way into the trip all bad guys sucked cause of the imperial probe droid an ally had. Then we spotted someone out in the distance, a dark jedi... master...


With 11 of us, we were all eager to rush into battle, me being a marksman with a rifle stayed in the back firing while they infuriated the jedi so much he slayed all 10 of them. I backed off and set up camp, gave my team the waypoint back and they came again in 20 mins. This time we thought of a plan and got behind each other in a line and fired at him, when he ran for us, we broke off into 2 ways circling around him.


Note: To beat a Dark Jedi Master, you must make sure he never picks one target or your all dead. Fire so he will pick one target, then another before reaching one.


We fired until he died, but he had no loot on him. :confused: He didnt even pull a saber out during the fight which was odd.


Anyhow, this seemed to be dark jedi valley as another appeared before us. We again circled him, the battle lasting for 10 mins, but inbetween that time, he ignited a red glowing saber (sorry i was so amazed i forgot to pic :mad: ) He took down 2 members of our team before disengaging his weapon. Near the end of the fight we ran so much from him in the circling that we invaded a wild dewback territory (hostile creatures) so they attacked some of our members while we were still fighting the dark jedi, nice eh?


Side Note: Droids, even the great Imp Probe Droid wont do anything against a dark jedi. The Dark Jedi took it down twice and made it so that even the droid would not follow the command of the owner. Strange, it was like the droid was either malfunctioning or literally afraid.


When the Dark Jedi died, all was said and done, another popped up, bleh.


GREATEST ADVANTAGE TO DARK JEDI KILLS: 4.5k exp per kill, that means super combat and whatever your attack weapon skill points.




Once again, enjoy the pics. Ill report later, this is Groggnr Steex signing out from Eclipse.

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