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Interesting Experience


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I was in the process of running back from my harvestors back to Bestine last night and a slave ran directly up to me yelling please help me, i notice 2 imperial soldiers in a near distance slowly approaching, i thought nothing of it because imperials are high in that area. I conversed with the slave and she said please take this, and she handed me a data disk, as she handed it to me the imperials said, " there she is, take her down." I figured it had soemthing to do with the disk, so i started to run away. I heard the stormtroopers say they were going to search her for the disk, by that time i was no longe rin their range... I thought it was an awesome experience that the slave ran up to me and asked for help...


Does anyone know how to get the information off of the Data disk?

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Originally posted by Plague

I was in the process of running back from my harvestors back to Bestine last night and a slave ran directly up to me yelling please help me....


That's really cool :cool:

I think that the data disk will bring you a quest :)

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Something similar happened to me, but it was slightly different.

I was sent to help a rebel pilot by one of the Naboo officials, i saw her get shot down in cold blood by imperials however because im not Rebel the imps were friendly toward me.


Merciful glitch that probably should be fixed. Anyway the disk revealed that one of the alliance earliest supporters wanted supplies from Naboo

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