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Changes to Melee


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Originally posted by Thrik

I didn't actually find it particularly beautiful though. The town itself looked barren and extremely boring. Sure, the other parts of the island looked alright but I was expecting the town to be like the main part of the island, but it isn't since there's hardly anything there.


Okay, I admit that the EMI version of Melee wasn't as important for the whole game as the one of SMI. As far as the actual look of it is concerned though....I guess in the end it's all just a matter of taste. I enjoyed it, infact I enjoyed most of EMI's background graphics.

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Something I am still in awe of is that they took the Scumm Bar away from me. I can't remember (off the top of my head) what the new Lua place was called, but I greatly disliked it.


Monkey Island is a game of Adventure. When you play it, you feel like you and your bud Guybrush are having a great adventure finding a girl, some map peices, or lifting a curse. It was fun. It made you feel like a pirate. This new bar did NOT give me this feeling, actually, it took away from the (little) feeling of adventure the game had. Sure, when you first see the place, you think "heh." After you realise that THERE IS NO MORE SCUMM BAR, it hits ya. It hit me like a rock; Melee Island had been beaten to death. The great and wonderful Scumm Bar, where I saw my first pirates, where (important looking) pirates would go to swig grog together. Men hung from the ceiling, people lay passed out on the floor, scars dotted the onlooking faces. It was unbeatable. Instead of giving us this unbeatable feeling of awe and wonder, they gave us an annoying Lua Bar waitress.


The MI4 Scumm Bar dissapointed me greatly. Before it was changed, in the beginning of the game, even. There were but 5 people in there...and the layout was changed. The adventure was gone. Yes; I will say that MI4 altogether was a good game, but it seems to me that the Producers and makers of the game put in no effort to give me that good ol' adventure feeling that I loved so much from my good friend, Melee Island, or any other places Guybrush traveled to in the game.


I'm so very sorry for leaving such a long post, but there is so much that I would like to say.


P.S. Do NOT get me wrong. I loved this game greatly. It was fun, funny, and wonderful. It was truly a Monkey Island...just...on a lower level. The little things, such as changing the Scumm Bar, just brought down the quality of the gaming a tad.

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When speaking about this... would a re-release, with new "up to date" -graphics for the first 2 games be a good thing? Dunno. I'd sure enjoy it but I'm also sure that most people here are pretty nostalgic and will kill me for saying this. ;)

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Eh. Personally, I would play the games, yet hold the originals much MUCH closer to my heart. They would be the REAL MI1 and MI2 that I would replay over and over, but yet, IF that were to happen....I think I'd play them. It could be helpful at times. I know that when I was playing MI2 for the first time, I was stuck for 7 hours because I couldn't see the knife in the Cooks kitchen on Woodtick. Altogether, if they did this, I would assume the would change LITTLE TINY BITS, and that would not fare well with me. It would be a playable thing, but not a loveable thing.


Just My Thought.




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Originally posted by Mullog

When speaking about this... would a re-release, with new "up to date" -graphics for the first 2 games be a good thing? Dunno. I'd sure enjoy it but I'm also sure that most people here are pretty nostalgic and will kill me for saying this. ;)


I wouldn't like the idea of redrawn graphics. But maybe if they can find all of the original backgrounds and scan them in hi-res, it would be cool.

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Well, I believe that the changes made to Melee Island were for the worst, but MI4 is not terrible, just not brilliant! I wasn't expecting a complete recreation of the SOMI Melee though, in long running franchises, when areas are revisited, you usually have only some of the main areas returning, with the most memorable places included but not exactly in the exact same places. This is very true for the Kingdom Of Hyrule in the Zelda games, features such as the Palace, Lost Woods, Death Mountain and Lake Hylia are all featured in various games, but not all in the exact same locations as before.


And on the subject of voice acting in games, you do also get "real" (if you can say that) actors doing the job too. In the game Freelancer, I turned to the back of the manual, to find that the headstrong Welshman R.W Tobias was voiced by John Rhys-Davies, Gimli in the LOTR films, Sallah in the Indiana Jones films, and Maximillain Arturo in Sliders (as well as many other things, including a guest appearance in one epsiode of Murder She Wrote as an British Intelligence agent). I also found the name Xander Berkely, and I am pretty sure that he plays George Mason in 24.

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Well, I think the EfMI maps are probably the wise choice with the new keyboard interface - without hotspots to hover over, everywhere has to be clear and having little touches like the needless roads would confuse people.


What wasn't necessary was cutting up the shape of the island, and changing the places on it. Looking at the comparison of the two maps earlier in the thread, it's pretty horrible what they did. The shipyard (supposed to be the old Stan's) is on the south tip of the island, which didn't exist in SoMI, the island actually wrapped round to form a bay just to the right of the circus, and Stan's place was in that bay. I just don't get why they changed it, I wonder if they even looked at the original map, or just roughly copied the shape and plonked the locations in.


The more annoying things were to do with the actual locations though. The village on the island was pretty big in SoMI, and it wouldn't have been hard to draw up other buildings around the buildings you were allowed to go in. It didn't feel right. I wish they had the bridge at the bottom of the rocks,over to the SCUMM Bar too...it was a great location in the original, serving no purpose but to be picturesque and piratey. The things they lost like that just made the game miss all the MI atmosphere.


The entire section with the shop/church/jail was chopped off. Maybe they couldn't think of any puzzles, but I think they should have expanded that part of the game and then maybe some puzzles involving the shop could be included. Same goes for the forest, it's just not there anymore.


The changes made just made it feel like a pale imitation of the original. 'Melée Lite' or something.


Amazingly though, the Monkey Island changes that came later in the game were worse to see.

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Yes we all know (apart from a few notable jokes) that EMI wasn't great.

Yes, the 3D was probably not the best idea

Yes, the dropping of the point-and-click system was in my view a disaster

Yes, the keyboard controls were awful


if you look past these issues (i don't think it was an easy decision for the team to try and freshen up the series (would you have had the guts if it was your pockets MI was lining)) then EMI is actually a very funny and , original probably isnt the right word but i'll use it here anyway, game which if it wasn't called Monkey Island would have been better appreciated.

In my honest opinion i don't really like CMI graphics system.

It could just be me, but SOMI was revolutionary, LCR:MI2 was a brilliant carry on of the series and then we get two games that are (generally accepted to be) not as good as their predecessors.

That's unfortunatley the way with MOST series but as our fearless hero would say:

"I'm tired of hearing myself whining"



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Originally posted by ErnilPherianath

Ah! Voice acting. Brings me to another thought of mine.


Personally, though I know all will disagree with me, I am not a fan of voice acting. MI1 and MI2 enthrall me a bit more just because of the fact that I make my own voices for the wonderful dialogue given to me. Maybe this is a pro for be because I happen to be an imaginative person, and many other may prefer to be given voice. I realise very well that I will never be given another great game without the voices.


(Many will say that one such as myself could just turn off the voices and make my own voices for the characters, but nowadays, game makers will rely on the voice of the actor more than they will rely on the dialogue of the character. This makes it near impossible to play a game to its full potential when you aren't in contact with the main block of the games humor.)





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