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??? to stereo?


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I'm trying to use the music/ambience/narshaddaa/cantina_1.mp3 in my multiplayer map. It comes up with an error saying The file is not in stereo! I don't know what it is in but does anyone know of a good conversion tool to make it stereo? It seems odd to me if it works for single player but oh well, so does anyone know how to fix this? :confused:

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The file may be in mono format. This is when the same sound thats pushed out into both speakers. Stereo is when you hear different sounds out of the left and the right (though a lot of time you dont notice).


If it is in mono format, download the err... DEMO to either CoolEdit or Soundforge. There will be a convert to stereo option in there. Save it, then try importing it to your map. Chances are that will fix your problem.

-=IJ=- Renik

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It is an mp3, but it is in the sounds directory not in music. This "music" which is only a sound after all :) can be used (and was used in the original game) for target_speakers. Even the bitrate is 48kbps and VBR so sometimes it is lower. Not really good for a level music.

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