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Lightning Rifle?


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What Exactly is the Bounty Hunters Lightning Rifle and is it worth getting? I was looking at the character builder and it shows Lightning Rifle as a whole new category as skill mods. It doesn't take Rifle mods...Does the char. builder have a mistake or is it suppose to be like that?


P.S.-Is it the gun Buba Fett is holding in the wallpaper...and I think in Return of the Jedi before he died like a wussy..lol :fett:

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First tier of bounty hunter


Lightning Rifle Specialization 1 .


Lightning Rifle Specialization I


Command: /firelightningsingle1


This ranged attack blasts a target with a high jolt of electicity, causing good damage.


Part of the heavy weapon side of things.

Had a search around the sites and cant actualy find one listed yet but gimme time :)

Would think its a BH only weapon ??

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Originally posted by DarQJeChTi

P.S.-Is it the gun Buba Fett is holding in the wallpaper...and I think in Return of the Jedi before he died like a wussy..lol :fett:


Boba Fett's gun is a sawed off BlasTech EE-3 blaster rifle...and he didn't die, everyone just assume's he did cuz the movie didn't show everything that was in the books. In the books he used his jet pack to blow up the pit and get out. :fett:

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