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Everyone should open a FS Slot...

Tai'Mir Jette

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in time. All will be revealed in time.


The Devs already have made the statement of keeping the Jedi population low, not the force sensitive population. Opening a FS slot doesn't guarantee you anything. A FS Character will suffer from permadeath, and that's what will keep the Jedi population low. Most people will unlock a FS slot, but won't become Jedi. Advancing through the Jedi Skill Tree is considered the biggest challenge in the game due to it's diffulculty. If your FS Character hasn't reached Jedi Master before three permadeaths, that character then dies and you to have create a new FS Character and start all over again. This process alone will limit how many Jedi there are in the galaxy and will keep the population low.


I really think people are trying to hard to understand the concept of unlocking their FS slot. The path will be different for all, meaning no two people will unlock their FS slot the same way. Luck will also not play a part in opening a slot. Hardcore gamers are likely to open a slot before a casual gamer. Any race or profession can also open a slot. There will also be no limit on FS slots as everyone can/should/will open one, eventually. Becoming Jedi is a completely different story.

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Doesnt stay true to the very few FS people around. Luke, Vader, Obi, Nightsisters, Singing mountain clan, and leia were the only FS. And if you are determined than it will become true. So if there are 500,000 people with FS slots and are determined to become jedi then guess what a lot of them will.

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Originally posted by Exar_reborn

Doesnt stay true to the very few FS people around. Luke, Vader, Obi, Nightsisters, Singing mountain clan, and leia were the only FS. And if you are determined than it will become true. So if there are 500,000 people with FS slots and are determined to become jedi then guess what a lot of them will.



Out of those 500,000, it's likely only 10 will become Jedi Masters. The rest will suffer from permadeath over and over and over and over.... again. It will be THAT hard. Like I said, opening your FS slot is one thing, reaching Jedi master is another.

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Im afraid you are preaching to the choir. You aren't telling us anything new, we all know how hard it is suppose to be to get to Jedi and Jedi Knight.


I wonder if there is even a way to get the FS slot yet. I sure havent seen anything yet on how to do it or heard of any players yet that have gotten there FS slot.

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A lot of people misunderstand about becoming a Jedi. They simply think that unlocking the slot makes them a Jedi, when that is clearly not the case. I was just clarifying the huge difference between them. If you already knew, well, good for you. You shouldn't even bother posting then. Toolfan, of course nobody knows how to unlock the slot. That is the biggest mystery of all. And when someone does, they won't have a clue how they did it. The Devs only said we won't see any Jedi for many months, not force sensitive people. Meaning the way to unlock the slot is already implemented in the game.

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Originally posted by Akabane

Stupid people, posting the same stuff, over and over...


If you already know about this, then why even post? Other people come to these boards to find answers. So if you've read the same stuff, over and over again, isn't it kind of stupid of you to keep reading threads about the "same stuff" you already know and then posting? Thought so. There are others who haven't had the chance to hear some of this. So in the end, your the one who is stupid. :p

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What the author of this thread said:


Being Force sensitive does not make one a Jedi.


Only those who are trained in the Jedi art can call themself this.


Or, likewise, being Force sensitive and a bad person at the same times does not make you a Sith, nor a Dark Jedi.


Only one who is trained in the Jedi arts then falls for the temptation of what their abilities can offer them, becomes Dark Jedi.


And those who are trained in the Sith ways can be called Sith.


And there are prolly alot more FS people out in the universe at the time of Star Wars Original Trilogy. They just never got to be trained as a Jedi, and maybe doesn't even know what they are capable of.

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People...don't resort to insults, it makes you seem immature.


But Jan is right, think of it this way...when the New Republic was formed and Luke started his academy, he had no shortage of locating FS persons, it was convincing them to come with him to Yavin 4.


Because a character Might be FS, and work to become a Marksman, using limited force skills to help...we just never know, and the only people who know are the Devs who tested the force units.

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those who are trained in the Sith ways can be called Sith


not true, u cant become a sith, as there are only ever two at one time, and i think we know who the two are in the timescale of this game. You can become a dark jedi tho.

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not true, u cant become a sith, as there are only ever two at one time, and i think we know who the two are in the timescale of this game. You can become a dark jedi tho.

This is a rule, made by a living breathing being, not a God or nature.

Rules of this type can be broken, thus more than one Sith can exist. :)


However, those 2 Sith currently in this time period would prolly see to it that the rule would be enforced. ;)


But technically there is nothing, other than those 2, who stand in someones way of being trained in the Sith ways. You just need to find a ghost to teach you, or a holocron if you can find it. ;)

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i think i read this from one of the devs a few weeks back (sorry no link) but they said it would take most players a year to open an fs slot and that is if you are doing the right things. so i dont think well be seeing any jedi for a few months. and those guys would be super hardcore like probably playing 6 hours a day.:p

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Originally posted by llamastar

my friend's dad knows a guy who's brother has a jedi character.


it's neat.


My friend's sister's 2nd cousin's roomate has this pet guinea pig. Well, that guinea pig came from a pet store in Cleveland where the shop owner's son's friend's nephew's sister knows this guy in Detroit who has a brother who's aunt's brother's son has a Jedi character.


Yeah, it's pretty cool :)

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