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map bsp help


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i need some help with compiling to ge some friggin .bsp files. when i run a fulvis i onlyh get the map and bak files. i've read a dozen tutorils and sticky threads on the problem and i still cant get my project settings right.


my J.O directory is D:\Program Files\GameData\base


what should i put in my preject settings?

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JK2Radiant, eh?



basepath: D:\Program Files\GameData\base


mapspath: D:\Program Files\GameData\base\maps


remotebasepath: D:\Program Files\GameData\base


entitypath for MP: D:\Program Files\GameData\Tools\MP_entities.def

entitypath for SP: D:\Program Files\GameData\Tools\SP_entities.def


texturepath: D:\Program Files\GameData\base\textures



Assuming that your editing tools are in D:\Program Files\GameData\Tools. If it can't handle the long names with spaces than use the short name of Program files which is probably PROGRA~1.

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