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Leaving on a southern train...


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Okay a plane, but I'm going to LA tommarow for about a week which means:


1. You bastards are gonna have to WAIT EVEN LONGER for the Excellence Awards results


2. The RPG thing will be better when I get back and subsequently...


3. Dash will be alive

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Originally posted by Clefo

3. Dash will be alive


Unless some other seemingly helpful higher level person happens to make a mistake...


Oh well have fun in LA, and don't run through any buildings that are pure glass...*thinks back to MM2*...even if it IS fun!

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You two are mean, and besides he meant in the battle system, he killed me twice, one by accident and when I had no money, but anyway, here's a reccomendation to everyone, including *eh hem* SilentHunter: Don't make your password a space as in " " always make it a word...or set of numbers...or a set of numbers and letters...or anything besides a space!


I wasted like half an hour trying to figure out how to get around it, I finally did tho...for the record I didn't accept your challenges, SH, because I had like 10 HP at that moment...

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