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Sp Demos ??


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I could be wrong (I often am), but to my knowledge the only way to record movies in SP is to use cl_avidemo to caputure a load of sequential screenshots (jpegs). Then you have to paste them all together in Premiere or AfterEffects (or whatever).


1) Bind a key to "cl_avidemo 30" (this will capture 30 frames/sec)


2) Bind another key to "cl_avidemo 0 " (this will stop recording)


3) Go to the screenshots directory to grab all the screen dumps.


Maybe someone else has another solution for SP. This is just how I heard to do it. Use a negative number ("cl_avidemo -30) to capture targas.



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Any other programs apart from the Adobe stuff, as that is damn hell expensive! Something cheap/FREE would be great!

Plus the trial files are too big...



dude.....havent u ever heard of K4z44 ??? lol :rolleyes: ...thats wehre i get all my programs....free...and no virus's,,,,,kazaa is known for them but i dont seem to get any :D besides u can just check and then delete them files so its worth it

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oh well then, k4z44 is not illegal.... they are just tryin to scare u.... its not like napster..u dont download from kazaa... u download from other ppl..... its like sharing things u paid for..... so ur tellin me i cant borrow my friends CD ? lol well its the same thing and it cant be stopped no matter how they try to scare ppl with phony lawsuits

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