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Most Powerful class


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I'm at level 14. Seems that the quickest class to level with is the Soldier/Guardian. You get feats out the ***, tons of hit points, and by the time the jedi powers get to be decent, you have a goodly amount of force points. Sure you don't get any skills, but I personally feel that the droid pretty much takes care of everything you may need in the game.


By the way, if you are planning on using the lightsaber, don't specialize in any weapon until you are a jedi, and don't buy any firearm related feats, as it is a total waste of points. I haven't played a good guntoter yet, but it seems like lightsaber does WAY more damage than even the heaviest lasers I have seen.

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Essentially, I've looked at all the character walkthroughs and from experience 5 different characters all at level 15. I can tell you, this one is now my favorite.


Soldier up to level 8/dark jedi counselor 7 and still rising


Why counselor? Once you get to level 8 as a soldier, the selection of decent feats starts getting pretty thin. So it is better to focus on buying always useful force powers than to waste your time leveling a character to buy useless feats.


Also, why not a guardian?

I think force jump is pointless, my character barely ever did it when I played a guardian, and I always start out combat with a disabler like stasis or whirlwind now anyway. The extra feats you recieve does not offset the extra force powers you get as a counselor. Also, the extra hit points you get as a guardian mimics what you got as a soldier, and there is a point which extra force points are more important than hit points.


As a soldier:

Max out flurry

Max out two weapon style

Max out toughness


Starting stats: Notice min-maxing going on here as non of the stats ever reached the point when they cost 2/level. This means you will have more total stat points at the end of the game.



Dex: 12


SPOILER!!!!: If you are a dark jedi, don't buy lightsaber focus or specialization EVER. You get gauntlets in the sith academy that give you both of these. And this should be your #1 priority after leaving dantoine. There may be an item that does this for good jedi, but I haven't found it yet.


Best force powers in the game/Worst force powers in the game.



Winner: Force speed - combined with flurry and two lightsabers with decent crystals, you can easily do 80+ points of damage per round without blinking an eye.


Runner up: Force push - maxed out, great for crowd control + when you get enough force points to use it constantly, you can clear a room of 20 grunts single-handedly in a few seconds.


Third but not forgotten: Lightning - A level one power that does 1-60 points when you reach level 10 - quite ridiculous.



Biggest Stinker: I hate to say it because I know most of you guys bought it: Thrown lightsaber is the winner for the worst jedi power. It does mediocre (at best) damage, and its spread is terrible.


Last three are in no particular oder but:


Bad and the ugly: Fear Tree - Make your saving throw and it has no effect. And later in the game, they will save ALL THE TIME.


Questionable: Wound - Some people like this one and I will never understand why. It is a single target power, and though it does alot of damage, it typically it does less than lightning (a multiple target power). Besides that, it is easier just to thrash them with your lightsaber.

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Essentially, I've looked at all the character walkthroughs and from experience 5 different characters all at level 15. I can tell you, this one is now my favorite.


Soldier up to level 8/dark jedi counselor 7 and still rising


Why counselor? Once you get to level 8 as a soldier, the selection of decent feats starts getting pretty thin. So it is better to focus on buying always useful force powers than to waste your time leveling a character to buy useless feats.


Also, why not a guardian?

I think force jump is pointless, my character barely ever did it when I played a guardian, and I always start out combat with a disabler like stasis or whirlwind now anyway. The extra feats you recieve does not offset the extra force powers you get as a counselor. Also, the extra hit points you get as a guardian mimics what you got as a soldier, and there is a point which extra force points are more important than hit points.


As a soldier:

Max out flurry

Max out two weapon style

Max out toughness


Starting stats: Notice min-maxing going on here as non of the stats ever reached the point when they cost 2/level. This means you will have more total stat points at the end of the game.



Dex: 12


SPOILER!!!!: If you are a dark jedi, don't buy lightsaber focus or specialization EVER. You get gauntlets in the sith academy that give you both of these. And this should be your #1 priority after leaving dantoine. There may be an item that does this for good jedi, but I haven't found it yet.


Best force powers in the game/Worst force powers in the game.



Winner: Force speed - combined with flurry and two lightsabers with decent crystals, you can easily do 80+ points of damage per round without blinking an eye.


Runner up: Force push - maxed out, great for crowd control + when you get enough force points to use it constantly, you can clear a room of 20 grunts single-handedly in a few seconds.


Third but not forgotten: Lightning - A level one power that does 1-60 points when you reach level 10 - quite ridiculous.



Biggest Stinker: I hate to say it because I know most of you guys bought it: Thrown lightsaber is the winner for the worst jedi power. It does mediocre (at best) damage, and its spread is terrible.


Last three are in no particular oder but:


Bad and the ugly: Fear Tree - Make your saving throw and it has no effect. And later in the game, they will save ALL THE TIME.


Questionable: Wound - Some people like this one and I will never understand why. It is a single target power, and though it does alot of damage, it typically it does less than lightning (a multiple target power). Besides that, it is easier just to thrash them with your lightsaber.

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Sorry for multiple, apparently tab is not a valid key inside the pages word editor - LOL...


Anyway: like I was saying starting stats:


STR 14

DEX: 12

CON: 14

INT: 10 Skills are worthless for the main character as there are so many multiple use characters (like droids) in the game to compensate for your ignorance. Also, the one rule of bioware games still hold true in this one. Sometimes picking locks is the answer, sometimes fast talking is an answer, but killing, this is always an answer.

WIS: 14

CHR: 14


Level up wisdom and strength, ignore everything else.

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Hmmm, interesting stuff. Well the offensive spell caster (AKA Walking Artillery Platform) is usually the most powerful guy :)

Why pump Strength though, guess your still getting in there with the saber for that build..


A question about the Sentinel, do you get persuasion as a class skill, if so, is it worth training in compared to using affect/dominate mind? (do you even get Affect/Dominate Mind ?)

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I like Kill, the advance of wound, becuase I can still get the dark jedi with it, and it takes them out of the battle, while getting hurt, for 2 or 3 turns, or I can hack them out with Master Spee don and kill them in 2 turns, before the other Dark jedi have really been able to touch my other charactors

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