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Anybody up for some JK multiplayer


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It's too bad that they wasted #jediknight on gamesnet for JO. It should have been used for the original and #jedioutcast or #jediknight2 or ii should have been used for Outcast. :/


I'm always up for a game of JK when I'm not at work, school, or doing homework. You can find me on AIM as MentatMM or on irc.gamesnet.net in #NDS. I play at least a few hours every other day.

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Actually, I recently got my DSL connection to stop booting me off every half our, and I opened up some ports to allow online gaming again, so in theory I *could* start enjoying some games of JK/MotS again.


Many of these new JK2 whipper-snappers in the community have never know the glory of a good FF battle in JK (or the PURE CHAOS of MotS). So sad, we must remedy this situation!


I would love to play a round or two for nostalgia's sake, but I am going on vacation for a week, so maybe when I get back and get my other work done.


Too bad the IP boards are still broken, those were great... I miss 'em. *sniff*


Until you find a game, there is always Rbots (not the same, I know).

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