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CM:Inline Model: Bad Number - Again


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Throughout the production of a certain map, I have been getting "CM:Inline Model Bad Number" errors. However, sometimes they occur when i attempt to walk into certain rooms, others simply when the map starts up. Having deleted all the 'func_' entities (with the exception of func_groups) from my map at one point, I have no clue what is causing this. It seems now that if i make any door, moving entity, etc., it won't work. I don't believe I have any brushes/entities smaller than 1 grid unit either, I remember that this may cause this also (not sure though, may be another error). If anyone knows all the possible causes of this, it may help.




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I have said it before and I'll say it again. Get rid of every file produced concerning the map you made EXCEPT for the original MAP file. In laymens terms get rid of the BAK files and the BSP/PRT. If that doesn't work open up the map file with NOTEPAD and edit the problem out. BUT!! Make sure to make a copy of the original map file before you edit it incase something goes loopy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

the sm_inline model bad number error is caused by having too many FUNC brushes in your map (Func_Door, Func_Platform, Func_Glass etc.)

MP has a limit of about 100/150 while SP is double that. (Sorry I don't remember the exact figures.

I had a hella problem with this and it took ages to work out what it meant - even had to contact Raven SOftware.


So the solution is to start removing all those Func_Doors etc you put in you map one at a time til it works again.



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Sort of sped read your first post.


Other suggestions are to save map as a different name.

Alternatively, open teo copies of radient and copy all the structural brushes, then detail brushes, then triggers.... and keep checking it after each stage. (Horrible thing to do really).

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Originally posted by lauser

I have said it before and I'll say it again. Get rid of every file produced concerning the map you made EXCEPT for the original MAP file. In laymens terms get rid of the BAK files and the BSP/PRT.


I don't recommend deleting the .bak file, but you can try moving it. You can leave the .bsp file right where it is - it'll be overwritten next time you compile. As for the .prt... well, it'd be more helpful to check the junk.txt file for errors in the compile than it would be to get rid of all those potentially helpful files.


Lauser, you really should reconsider some of that "advice" you keep giving out. Some of it's dangerous.

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