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Anyone been able to find Dark Fall for sale at retail markets?

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I cannot find this game anywhere. Tried the local Gamestop and was told it was listed in their computer (of course they have shown themselves to be idiots in the past so I dont trust their "answers"). If anyone has seen it for sale (or bought it) give me some places to star looking.


P.S. Yes, I could order it from EBgames (and may by the end of the week if I get desperate). But I dont want to pay tax and 6 dollars shipping for a 20 dollar game.

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Only other place I tried was Best Buy (we don't have an EBgames here) and they said it wasnt listed in their computer. However, they carry the other Adventure Company current releases so I guess its possible they will get it. I know it was just released but I have been waiting for a good "haunted house" game since the late 90's... last one I remember was the Blackstone Chronicles set in the Insane Asylum. Any suggestions on other stores to check in the days to come?

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