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Vehicle combat - 1st person or 3rd person


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I was just wondering since vehicles do feature more in JA than they did in JO, whether you'd control your vehicle from a 3rd person view like in JO and the AT-ST, or whether you'd have a 1st person view - I saw a screenshot on the Lucasarts site which looked like a 1st person view of a cockpit, but it could be computers and stuff which are part of a level and nothing more. And what would you prefer? Even though it's too late since the game is almost done, would you rather drive your vehicles through the eyes of your character or from a 3rd person view...:confused:

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Originally posted by only1kenobi

I was just wondering since vehicles do feature more in JA than they did in JO, whether you'd control your vehicle from a 3rd person view like in JO and the AT-ST, or whether you'd have a 1st person view - I saw a screenshot on the Lucasarts site which looked like a 1st person view of a cockpit, but it could be computers and stuff which are part of a level and nothing more. And what would you prefer? Even though it's too late since the game is almost done, would you rather drive your vehicles through the eyes of your character or from a 3rd person view...:confused:


What you are referring to, I believe, was not a vehicle.


I would like there to be options, just like when you have weapons - I'd like to be able to hit my 'P' key and shift perspective (who knows ... maybe you couldn've done it in JKII - I was fine with 3rd person on the AT-ST, which I didn't mind like some people, as it was so much better than the MoH tanks ...)


All shots seen so far are 3rd person, but that is to show off the Tauntaun. I don't know if it is selectable.



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I'd rather that they 3rd person was around the player not the vehicle. So on a speeder or a tautaun 1st or 3rd would be much like in JO. But INSIDE a vehicle like a walker 1st would have a 3rd cockpit and limited view, 3rd would be a view of the player sitting inside the cockpit.


Possibly not as useful, but at least it might feel like you were IN a vehicle. In JO it just fet like you had morphed into a walker. :(

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Originally posted by praenuntius

In JO there were options for "3rd Person Saber" and "1st Person Guns". These set the default views depending on what you were wielding. Maybe they should just add another option called "3rd Person Vehicle" or some such thing.

I agree - it should be mapped to your perspective key. Some games have a 'camera' key, for vehicles ... I hope they do something, even if it is just 1st and 3rd.



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