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Different music for each room???


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setup a target speaker to play one of my mp3's


I compiled and started to load the map.... I get the following error


" loop sound channel cannot use streamed MP3... files here for random access"


any ideas???

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Here is EXACTLY what I did... maybe I did something wrong


I created a directory called noise and put my shook.mp3 file in it.


on the 2D window in QE radiant, I right clicked, went to target, selected taget_speaker, clicked the 'n' key to bring up the entity menu, for key "noise" "value" noise\shook.mp3


that right???:confused:

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I know I gotta be doing something wrong, but I just cant figure out what.... :( I can get the wave file to work just fine.... turning off the loop did get rid of the error message when trying to put in the mp3, but I dont hear the song being played when I get into the map..... is there another command that I need to perform besides set sv_pure 0 before I devmap mymap???

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This is a bit off-topic for this particular thread, but after reading this (and others like it) I feel compelled share my opinion on a matter somewhat related:


Adding tons of custom music to your level is a real waste of time and space, as far as "bang for your buck" in the coolness factor is concerned. Music files, even with mp3 compression, are simply HUGE compared to everything else you end up putting in your pk3. Let's say you waste four megabytes on a "cool" song to put in your level--do you know how much you can add to a .bsp with four megabytes? You should use the available space to make your map better, rather than applying such a "design band-aid" as flashy music. Invest all your available space in the visuals, and you won't regret it. There are plenty of unused or underused soundfiles included in assets0.pk3--use one of those (or, hell, use ten of them) and put that space you would have wasted on "cool.mp3" to good use.

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if size is a real problem, it should be possible to record the file as a .wav at radio quality (seeings how JK2 only plays it at that quality any, so I have heard) then convert it back to a mp3..... this would shrink the file atleast in half... and a 1 or 2 meg file is not all that bad... I have not done this, but it makes sense that it could be done....


strange how I can get the world spawn to play the MP3, but the target speaker refuses to.... still confused and still thinking there is something right under my nose that I am not seeing

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my OTHER question (in addition to the one above) is that yes, the "cool" MP3 comes in your PK3 file, but once its downloaded for the first time, that mp3 file is local, and shouldnt be loaded when connecting to a server with that map, just the BSP, correct?

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Originally posted by RenikDelan

ok, theres one question. Now Im still curious on how to get multiple songs onto one MP3 and have the target_speaker reference the correct point in the file to play the corrent song...

If that is even possible, I've no idea how to do it.

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Ok, I think I got part of the solution here. I sent an email to a mapper that had setup different music in each room asking him how he managed it. He said that he did it by creating a target_speaker and hooking a trigger multiple brush to it. He emphasized to make sure that I read the menus on the trigger_speaker as many over look the setup.


It is also true that you cant use the looped option on a target_speaker that is playing an MP3, but I have managed to get it to work in a small test map that I have been working on. (I have yet to try this yet) but as my map is setup with teleports to get to each room, I plan to make the trigger_multiple brush the same side as the floor and only just a shave high. At the same time setting the wait key to the value of the number of seconds in the song being played. That way a person walking around should reactivate the speaker (looping is therefore should be taken care of)


I am have only had one problem with doing all this and this was NOT a problem in the other map that I saw setup with different music. When I setup my mp3 to play through the target_speaker, the player can not turn the music down. By this I mean going into their own setup menus, clicking on setup, going under sound, and being able to use the music slider. Instead they have to adjust the effects slider, which is no good as the music is still blaring overtop of all the action sounds... anyone have any ideas on how to correct this???

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Yeah I figured all that stuff out for my new map. I have 2 areas with duel target_speaker music. What I originally wanted was a sort-of JUKE box. But since I now know that really is impossible I had to improvise. So here is what I did-------->


I wanted 4 songs in total in my map. 2 songs at one spot and 2 at another. I also have background music added to the map. So I actually have 5 in total bringing the music files to 18mb. Wow....okay that was way too big so I deleted the other file.


Now it sits at 11mb. I can deal with that. So what I did was I knew that having too many speakers makes my map lag for some strange reason so I had to make 2 MP3's into one and used this program to do so:



Then I had just one big MP3 with 2 songs. So then I thought well the background music I have playing is kind of loud and I have to add lots of target_speakers to drown out the background. So I thought instead of doing that can I lower the volume on the background music? Which I did with this program:



And then the volume was the correct level. You can also turn down the music in your SETTINGS menu. :D

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