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The Bid 4 Power - topshot (Amidamaru) vs. Dark Mercenary. (Merc.)


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Amidamaru tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt Merc. 24 points of damage.
Amidamaru taunts:

Wow. Nice punch. (Next move I make, I might even post one of my best drawings for a little public view. It's not porn, either. ;) )

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Amidamaru tried to use his fists. Luck was with him, and he dealt Merc. 24 points of damage.
Amidamaru taunts:

Been busy. Was out of town for 2 days straight due to Dr.'s appointments. And the strangest thing is: Episode 1 just isn't a novel or a movie........IT'S A FRICKIN' MANGA!!!!!!! AND IT LOOKS GOOD TOO

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