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PA Advice


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What kind of advice do you want. It's your PA, your rules. I wil say this, I am watching many larger PAs begin to falter due to lack of structure and rules. Remember, when all is said and done, all that will be left is RP. PvP will only be amusing so long, and then people will need a story to keep them interested.

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Interaction with other PAs will be the survival of your PA. You, as the PA leader, need to meet with the leaders of other PAs and arrange gatherings, PA Wars and other such interactive activities. This is how you will keep your members interested. Give them weekly orders.

I.E. I currently have a squad assigned to gathering hides, bone and meat from Lok as our PA armorsmith needs Lokian hide and bone for armor, and our Bio-Engineers need the meat for crafting.


Make weekly battlefield trips. We have a set date and time to meet at a specific battlefield once a week.


We run squad on squad trainings. This takes some time, as each member must challenge each member of the other squad before the battle begins.


We are having a meeting to select our official PA colors. There are voting terminals that a Master Architect can make for this purpose.


I meet with other PA leaders to schedule raids and PA wars that will keep my membership on their toes.


Getting the idea? Right now, have everyone focus on recruiting.

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In the guild that im in will be up shortly and we have mainly adventuring planned. We wanna do lots of trips to endor and lo and dathomir. Also our whole guild thing is to ahve a player city around the hall. We already have a nice piece of land picked out outside of theed on naboo with two high cliffs.

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As far as recruiting. Thats a personal preference. We are focused on RPers, so we had a job specific recruiter that walked around RPing with people. She ran interviews and such for us. Doing this while trying to run a PA is extremely tedious, so put someone in place for this early on. If you are not so concerned about RP quality, then you can just give everyone the ability to sponsor and accept new members in the Guild Control Unit and they can do it for you.


Also, it's never a bad idea to post your PA on every site you can find. Start with SWGalaxies.net :D

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