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Hey um I was wondering... Can any of you photoshop users tell me how they did index.php?g=Kiddy%20Grade&p=74&frpg=4&f=#pic <-------- That? I'm trying to replicate it and I've tried a healthy amount of combinations and I still haven't come up with one similar. How do you make those little "wire" looking things by the faded Eclair (that's the girl's name)?

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Lots of layers and tweaked opacities! :)


I would advise picking up a couple of Computer Graphics magazines as they often have tutorials that will teach you this type of thing... start browsing the stand at Barnes and Noble. You can usually get a CD with the mag that will have all the images and brushes you need for the tutorial.


Another source would be to search for "photoshop tutorial" on google or look at the tutorials listed on http://www.deviantart.com.


Beyond that, it is beyond the scope of a single thread to teach that sort of thing. For me, anyway... others might be willing to get involved in it, but rest assured, there are lots of steps.


Still, its a worthy project if you want to get to learn PS. Good Luck and show us all what you come up with when you're done!

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This is concerning your background image, It is MUCH too big to be a webpage's background, I usually try to keep all of my pages between 50k and 100k, but you image is 2 to 4 time bigger than this. You have to think of 56k users.


And as SkinWalker said, the image is pretty complicated to duplicate. Thers is always a way to replicate something but if you don't do it the exact same way (which you know) you won't get the same results. This means you could try to copy the image but my guess is you couldn't get too close to the original, you'd have to follow a tutorial showing how it was made, and it doesn't exist... So either look for some other tutorials of try some things in PS to see if you can acheive some of the effects applied in this image.

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