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Trap door


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In jk2 swinging doors are not possible. In JA you could do it with scripting (assuming that scripting was actually ported to all MP game modes, and not just siege--although, I'm starting to suspect that siege is the extent of scripting for MP).

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I've said it a couple of times now, but it's been awhile since the last time I mentioned it :


wudan has had the code for swinging doors for some time now. All that's required is for the map to be run as a mod. If you want the swinging doors (and don't mind running your map as a mod) talk to wudan. :D

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just in case it comes in useful to someone else, I figured out how to make a trap door that is 90% effective without doing really anything special.... To create my trap door, I actually did two doors.... one door slides back into the floor, the second door comes up two or three segments above the floor.... by doing this, as the first door slides back and carries the player with it, the second door comes up and catches the player.... when the first door goes outside the second door, the player falls down into the pit of death..... pretty simple :) BTW-- I made the second door(the one that comes up out of the floor) glass so that it was a lil less noticeable

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