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I'll get the ball rolling. I just started playing. I've played like 10 hours. I just got my lightsaber. In one hand, I have a red lightsaber. In the other I have the prototype vibroblade with all the upgrades. I'm wearing the first set of mod armor with both the upgrades. I am VERY evil. I've killed dozens of innocent people. My name is Darth Murder. I have the Ebon Hawk and have been approved by the Jedi Council for training by lieing to them all. I've collected 4 bounties from Dax. I'm just getting started. By the time I'm done, everything I encounter will be dead.:jawa

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Female Scout lv 8/Jedi Consular lv 7(nice well rounded ass) a few darkside points away from being completely dark. finished tatooine , on korriban at the sith academy. Using a doublesided green lightsaber with two power crystals .

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I am ultimate lightsider i have ultimate screen the column of light surrounding me, had since i beat my fourth planet of kashyykk; i didnt do one thing that gave me a dark point. I am lvl 18 guardian/23 soldier. i have the star forge robes, two lightsabers one normal other short (short is a must for off hand it gets a bonus) they are enhanced buy many good crystals, like opari and solari<--light side crystal +3 to dmg +1-8 damage to dark side, +2 dmg. if equipped on lightsaber lightsaber can only be used by a follower of the lightside. I crushed all darksiders that stood in my way. But i was dissappointed in ending if you wanna hear why go to upper city posts and look for the "thread what do you think" it was a long post that i dont feel like re typing here but warning contains major plot revelations do not read unless you want have upcoming events ruined.

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I am now even more evil. I've killed dozens more innocents. I have double purple lightsabers, one short. Bastilla has a double-sided purple lightsaber. Juhani has a long blue and a short yellow. All lightsabers of my main party have massive power crystals. My 2 lightsabers have dragon pearls in them. I am so evil that my skin is pure grey, and I'm only a couple of darkside points away from being perfectly evil. I went to Kryshykk(<-- sp?), wookie home planet, and ended up leaving Z there. I just didn't care enough to rescue him. As long as I get the Star Map, who needs him?

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My guy has two blue sabers, and is nearly all over to the light side(I've almost beaten the game and I'm not there :rolleyes: ) I probably only need one more point for complete lightside. As of right now he is a level 7 male soldier/12 guardian.


Currently Force Heal, Master Speed, and Wave are the biggest spells that I use.

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I up n beat the game. I was completetly evil. For those of u who are quite far, after Bastilla is captured by Malak, u must fight her on the Star Forge System. Not exactly. If ur evil enough and sweet enough, u'll do as I did. I convinced Bastilla that I am her true Dark Lord. She joined me and decided to make Malak pay. Juhanee and Jolee objected, so I killed them both. When I returned to the Ebon Hawk, the crew pissed and moaned about where Jolee and Juhani were. I told them but they weren't too happy. Carth ran off and I left him on the planet. I killed a defenseless Mission. Canderous and the droids stuck by me. Zaalbar was still on Kashyyyk where I left him. I then had a party of only 5. Lonely but evil. From then on, Bastilla called me "Master" and always referred to me as Lord Revan. I recommend that everyone take this route.

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Cant say I was any diffrent, Havok...maybe more subtle ;) . I let the Big Furball take care of her little, defensless friend...Wookie slaves have their uses :laughing:

That evil shown on the face of my character, and these yellow, plagued eyes...very nice.

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Every time I used my Force Pursuade to extort people Juhani, Jolee, and Bastilla cried about it. It felt sooooooo good to finally kill Jolee and Juhani. Plus, I convinced Bastilla to follow the greater of 2 evils: Me. She calls me "Master" and does my bidding willingly. It makes me so happy and delightfully evil.

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I loved it when Bastilla called me FINALLY her master, BUT what made me love that game(and Darkside) was the conversation nearly at the end of the game. I can say that the last order Malak gave to his officer on the Starfoge really, really satisfied my ego and fulfilled my pleasure of the game..

As much I would love to, I cannot quote it all (end with 28.5 hours gaming to beat that game, so...), just few lines I'll never forget:



Officer- All the droids are destroyed(..) It's Revan!


Malak- Send all remaining droids and apprientices's to fight them.


Officer- Will they stop Revan?


Malak- Of course not....

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Level 8 is as far as you can go with any of the starting classes, and you dont level up in old class as soon as you become a jedi.


Hmm, anyone thinks it will be ever possible to play as a Sith from the very beggining in future SW games? It would certainly add more colors to this universe.


It would be also nice if there was a possibility of buying, equipping and mastering your ship like in Pirates of the Caribbean, but in space & with SW ships, of corz. You know, refreshing space battles after wiping out population of entire planet, blockade runnin, smugglin, assisting in Big battles....all the best stuff :D

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