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JediPLUS Mod Jetpack, Grappling Hook, size


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Don't know where to post it so it's going here:


When I host a game with JediPlus or whatever (newest version i believe) I can't use the jetpack, grappling hook, or change my size, also I can't use the normal saber stances with the special sabers (2 or dual bladed)


But when someone else hosts it, like a public server, I can do all of these things. What am I doing wrong?

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well u gotta bind keys if u havent.... and u have to "Allow all stances" for dual sabers and blades.. im not sure of the exact command sorry....but i know u have to do that cuz i use that mod sometimes...but no one can seem to join my game when i use it... an invalid .pk3 error comes up :( look in the readme.. should tell u all the commands if not i could find it for u i think

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  • 2 weeks later...

ya there is .. that was my prob too , but u have to go into the games script and type it all out lol...or make a new script of ur own and call it "autoexec" and put it in base folder...then when u start server, in the server box type "exec autoexec" u dont have to name it that but changes u make will automatically take place if u call it that and u have to go into it and find at the very top where it says "unbind all" and DELETE that crap ;) thats what i did and all my settings and server options work fine and i dont have to redo them everytime i start server

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Ok, thanks, ONE problem though--


I set my min size to




and my max size to




and when I start, the default looks like 1.0 BUT sunken into the ground, so youre about 3/4 as tall as you should be, with a normal saber hilt, but the saber blade is about ... a size 0.1's saber blade.


Any ideas? This happens for all bots too.

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