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SWG Worth Playing ? =/


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Hey guys , i was wondering if swg is really worth playing . I am a long time mmorpg veteran and have played games such as daoc, ac2 , eq , AO and earth and beyond . i have read some good reviews - and some bad ones as well . I am really hoping i get back good reviews and comments about swg but i want only the truth.


~Hope to see you all soon in StarWarsGalaxies~

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Well these people clearly havnt been playing long enough.

Now I am no expert writer or reviewer (just a simple programmer) so bare with me here.


The game gets some gettings used to, it took me about a week to really get into it. Some of the base class stuff is a lil long, but once u make it to novice on the profession that you are interested I think you will be incredibly happy. As a veteran mmorpg player myself i think from the list of games you listed that SWG would be something that you should enjoy.


It provides so many options that if you DO get bored (which i dont think will happen for a long time) then you can trade in your skill points and start on a different proffession. There are so many things you can do in the game I think to do it all will take a long time. The rebel/imperial missions are lots of fun and good if you want to move up on the ranking within the respective faction (ie imperial/rebel). There are 'amusment parks' that let you do missions and let you be part of the actual story that is developing. I have already met with Princess Leia and done a number of missions for her and now have been recommened to Han Solo for missions. As I continue i think it will be come more challenging and more and more interesting, as it already has. I have been playin for about a month now (12hour days hehe).


The economy is completely player driven which you probably already knew. At times this can be hard for an aspiring weaponsmith/architect/slicer/etc to get started but there are always people willin to buy your services or products.


There are not too many balance issues, so i dont know why that was mentioned above. Everything is balanced to make the classes dependent on eachother. Peoople say it is unbalanced beause they either dont know how to play their char or want to be the best profession (which there really are none, Bounty Hunter is the closest to this with a weapon called the scatter pistol), however Bounty Hunters arent that great....as a Smuggler i find no problems in killing them in pvp.


Graphics, if this is important sure ya they are pretty good. I think they look incredibly great for an mmorpg, but then again i dont care about graphics when game play is great.


On a final note, this game is lots of fun for RolePlaying, as a die hard Star Wars fan i love the fact that I can hop in game and role play as a smuggler, moving through cantinas trying to push my large shipments of illegal drugs (ie spice as its called) or selling my weapon/armor upgrades (ie slicing its called here) to those who look for some great stat increases to their items. I think that its a great game and recommend it, i play it a lot and have a ball every night. Sometimes i cant even log off becaue there is too much stuff going on. Also, you will easily find people who are willing to help you and will make friends fast. Playing with friends on Teamspeak (as I do) is great, we have many laughs and experience some very scary moments out on the battlefield (oh that reminds me hehe, battlefields, are a cool place to go. Fight against imperials/rebels and earn combat experience fighting for the rebel/imperial cause, there is so much in game that i forget sometimes.). I hope this helps and if you have any questions feel free, ill try and answer.

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My only other question is.................











Whats yours name and what server are you on!:D


Great review , i have played for 2 hours so far and like it alot.


please give me ur aim , server name and game name!


my aim : Kkadarin

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Thanks what about aim ? Also , whats a good starting town , one where i could meet u.......say.............tonight . ( augest 1th i think lol )


I wana be........well i dont know lol , i wanted to be bounty hunter/scojt/medic , but u said they arnt good in pvp , whats good with guns and in pvp?( well thanks il message u later! )





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Basically, Peregrine is right. If you are in this for the combat, then you will easily get bored. This game was specifically designed for RPers. MUSHers, MUDers and MUXers rejoice. This is the game we have waited an eternity to play. A MU** with graphics.


BTW, Coronet is actually refered to as Lag City, Corellia. Try Tyrena instead. Still laggy, but it is well populated.

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I dont see any lag on cornet on the Valcyn server maybe your server pop on Cornet City is a lil bigger, i dunno. Ya but Tyrena is a fine place to start too. I am actually cloned there right now so when (if) i die i start there.


And YEAH to Roleplayers....id like to see more, but hey im having fun Role playing and i guess thats all that counts *wink*

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I'm in tyrena, corellia on lowca server. I have all skills to be master marksman but not enough apprentice xp. A word to live by if you are just starting. Whenever you get skills be sure to offer to teach people because sooner or later you will need apprentice xp and you will be like me. As I said, I have all skills needed to be master marksman. I have been that way for a week. I even made macro and bound it to my f12 "/shout i will pay you 200 credits per skill to train you. under marksman tree i can train pistol 1, 2, 3, 4. rifle 1, 2, 3, 4. carbine 1, 2, 3, 4. ranged weapon 1, 2, 3, 4. and under brawler i can train unarmed 1 and 2." For a week I have been going around shouting this. I still need like 170 out of 620 apprentice xp. The sad thing is I can teach several languages but you dont get apprentice xp for those. So it has been a frustrating week. And to top it off some guy told me last night to go to coronet city that is where he got his apprentice xp. So I go and nobody needs training for like over an hour. I logged off. I guess its back to tyrena today and hopefully I can get enough to be master marksman tonight.

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i'm working on apprentice XP for pistoleer (if i ever get there). i've always heard that bestine is the best place to get it, since it sort of has a rep as a "newbie city".


the good thing is, you can get apprentice XP teaching anything (i thought at first that it had to be in your particular elite profession). so, i've gotten over half of mine teaching musicianship 2 and entertainment healing, as a novice entertainer.


guess the best advice is hang out where the people are (cantinas, bazaars, med centers) and pay attention to the conversations going on around you. lots of people will walk into a crowd and just randomly ask if someone can teach. also, don't bother replying, just group invite them. that should be enough of a "yes i'll teach you" to get your point across.

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Yeah, see I was on Starsider server from day one. I was in beta, so I knew exactly what I needed to do to jump up levels quickly. Basically, I scammed 1600 Apprenticeship XP in the first week. I've stopped offering training, so people like yourselves can get some. Actually, I think I got the furthest in those first two weeks. Now the grind is really starting to feel like a treadmill. Sample DNA, craft twenty Brackasets, train one, release him, train another, kill the first, harvest meat for more crafting, rinse, repeat.

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okok to much or too little info here , cant dcide . would u post like this for the questions i have please , like



Server : ( yours )

Starting pro: bla bla

Starting city:blabla


( starting pro based on the fact i wana be good with guns + pvp , minor heal and scout skills :D )


I know im forgetting something........Deft please post your server as well , and name . Message you soon peregrine ............


and , thanks!

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SWG will get a lot better once all the powergamers hit mastery, get bored and sod-off to WoW when its released leaving those who want to RP and enjoy the whole SW experience to do just that.


Game is a lil buggy, but it doesnt seriously effect gameplay.

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Hey I got Master Marksman last night :) I stayed in coronet city and finally got enough apprentice xp.


Originally posted by Dengar

SWG will get a lot better once all the powergamers hit mastery, get bored and sod-off to WoW when its released leaving those who want to RP and enjoy the whole SW experience to do just that.


I have to disagree with you on this one. I like killing things better than RP. I have not done any RP yet but probably will in the future. I'm confident I will still enjoy the killing more than the RP. I always try to help people out and from what I see 90% of the people who play are friendly and willing to help. And we all pay the same price to be able to play but it seems you think people who RP are better than those who are "powergamers". I don't think so. Just my 2 cents :)

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Okay, let me get this out of the way:

Deft Aklin

Profession: Scout/Marksman/Medic/Pistoleer/Creature Handler/Bio-Engineer

Server: Starsider

Location: Depends on what meeting I have to attend next. Currently Theed, Naboo, though I may be heading back to Corellia or Talus.



I'll be honest with you. The reason RPers are so anxious for the power gamers and PvPers to leave is this, we're tired of hearing people yelling, "Can I get some Hunting IV training, I have the XP!", or "Hit Ctrl+H and fill out the CSR trouble ticket.". We don't want to hear that stuff. It breaks immersion. Try this, "I am seeking a tutor in the most advanced hunting techniques. (OOC:Hunting IV)", send that tech message via tell so no one has to hear it. See what we're saying? Perhaps that's NOT how you play the game, but your game kills our game.

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Originally posted by Deft Aklin

Okay, let me get this out of the way:

Deft Aklin

Profession: Scout/Marksman/Medic/Pistoleer/Creature Handler/Bio-Engineer

Server: Starsider

Location: Depends on what meeting I have to attend next. Currently Theed, Naboo, though I may be heading back to Corellia or Talus.



I'll be honest with you. The reason RPers are so anxious for the power gamers and PvPers to leave is this, we're tired of hearing people yelling, "Can I get some Hunting IV training, I have the XP!", or "Hit Ctrl+H and fill out the CSR trouble ticket.". We don't want to hear that stuff. It breaks immersion. Try this, "I am seeking a tutor in the most advanced hunting techniques. (OOC:Hunting IV)", send that tech message via tell so no one has to hear it. See what we're saying? Perhaps that's NOT how you play the game, but your game kills our game.


I agree with you, RPin is lots of fun and it is the main reason i love this game so much. However you have to realize that there are always going to be people in every game that play it differently. I say let them yell for hunting XP etc. The way i approach this situation when i get it is to roleplay back to them. Hopefully it makes them realize through how interesting my response is that RP is something they may think about doing next time. I think we need all just get along and realize that some will RP and some will not. As long as there arent chat spammers filling up the chat window i dont care. And as long as there arent ppl screaming SELLING SPICE...blah blah...WHO WANTS SLICING ON THEIR WEAPON...blah blah...every two seconds i dont mind. If it is all done in temperment then i can deal with it. No need to start a flame war of RP vs PL

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