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SWG Worth Playing ? =/


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Honestly, I just normally avoid the city at all costs. I can get all healing at the PA hall. I have the best crafting stations possible in the hall as well. I don't really need the city other than the occasional mission...which thankfully is on the outside of the nearby city...and for transportation....at least until they finally add the space expansion sometime next fall.

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ok, so how do you expect new people to know how to talk so it does not hurt your game. I didn't see anything in the game when I bought it that told me how to talk. and whats wrong with someone telling someone how to fill out a csr trouble ticket? get mad at the people who created the game. ask them to make an extra option so that when you make a new character you can choose rp or pvp/powergamer, or whatever you want to call it. that way they could make it so that if you choose rp you would not hear what people who choose pvp/powergamer say. I think it is a little unrealistic to expect people to play that way. you talk about people yelling "Can I get some Hunting IV training, I have the XP!". whats wrong with that. this game is made so that you have to get xp and have someone train you to learn things so they are only stating the obvious. i could say all you rpers clutter up the town and server and create more lag but you pay the same amount i do to play so i dont say that. step back and read what you are posting and think about it.

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Originally posted by Diables

ok, so how do you expect new people to know how to talk so it does not hurt your game. I didn't see anything in the game when I bought it that told me how to talk. and whats wrong with someone telling someone how to fill out a csr trouble ticket? get mad at the people who created the game. ask them to make an extra option so that when you make a new character you can choose rp or pvp/powergamer, or whatever you want to call it. that way they could make it so that if you choose rp you would not hear what people who choose pvp/powergamer say. I think it is a little unrealistic to expect people to play that way. you talk about people yelling "Can I get some Hunting IV training, I have the XP!". whats wrong with that. this game is made so that you have to get xp and have someone train you to learn things so they are only stating the obvious. i could say all you rpers clutter up the town and server and create more lag but you pay the same amount i do to play so i dont say that. step back and read what you are posting and think about it.


You guys have both made good and valid points, but why the flame. Agree to diagree, and move along :-)

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Originally posted by PeregrineFalcon

You guys have both made good and valid points, but why the flame. Agree to diagree, and move along :-)


and why is it that whenever two people disagree in a forum someone thinks it is a flame. I have great respect for Mr. Aklin and I'm sure he has done more for this game/forum than I will ever do. I'm just throwing my opinion out there and he is entitled to his opinion. I didn't mean for it to sound like a flame and if it came across that way I apologize:)

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I didn't see anything in the game when I bought it that told me how to talk.

It's an RP game. :)

If you want to shoot people you play FPS's.

If you want to role play, you play roleplaying games.

Simple math. :)


I'm not a roleplaying man at heart. I'm more of an FPS person myself.

But I understand the RP'ers, and I respect it, as this is a roleplaying game. :)


The primary goal of a roleplaying game, is to roleplay.

The primary goal of an FPS game, is to kill people. :)

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If you want to shoot people you play FPS's.

If you want to role play, you play roleplaying games.


well, i love FPS's and this is my first real RPG, so i guess my opinion would be that it's ok to roleplay as someone who wants to shoot people. i didn't set out to be a killer in the game, i just started acquiring the skills that i later found out would make me a potent killer if i wanted to go that route.


i picked marksman as a starting profession, with no idea about what it would entail. i played around with rifles and carbines, but ultimately decided a pistol would be my best "all around weapon". i considered going for master smuggler because it sounded like fun, but ended up with a ton of pistol XP sitting around doing nothing because it was so hard for me to finish up the stupid unarmed requirement for smuggler. i used my XP to advance in pistol use, and ended up in the pistoleer elite profession.


i like shooting things, be it creatures, imperial NPC's, or (eventually) imperial players. i like that you have to use your knowledge and some strategy to survive, and not just sit there hitting your special key over and over. i like being able to hit something with 'warning shot' so i can run away before i get killed.


to an extent, i roleplay in the game. i don't talk about the "outside world", and when i need training, i approach a group and ask if anyone can teach me intermediate such-and-such skill or expert whatever skill. i try not to say "someone teach me explorer 4?", because that kinda kills the fun for me. unless it's someone i know in the real world, and then it's ok, because we do it either in tells, group chat, or when we're out in the wilderness where no one else can hear us.


i guess i just don't see a need to make a distinction between people who like FPS's and people who like RPG's, because i've found this game to be the best of both worlds.


i even like doing a little RP when i'm in the cantinas and med centers. makes the game more fun. most people will play along. the ones who don't, eh, so what? doesn't ruin my experience or enjoyment any.


honestly, i haven't really run across any "hardcore" role players, but maybe they all stick to the unofficial RP server or something.


at any rate, i have fun playing, shooting things, and talking to other players. so don't assume all us old school FPS guys jumped into SWG just to screw it up for everyone else.

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The simple truth is this, this game gets boring very quick without roleplay. After you master your profession, what is next? You can only hunt so many different creatures before it becomes boring. That is why this is a roleplaying game. Now, I am not saying that PvPers shouldn't be in the game. I'm not even saying that you don't have the right to yell whatever you want. What I am saying is this, if you never come to the realization that this game can be far more immersive, if you never learn to enjoy RP, then you will eventually become bored of this game. This game was not meant for achievers, if that is what you are after, then try EQ.


Now, this is not intended to be a flame, but the last five recruits into my PA came because the game began to bore them with no RP. Maybe this is not the overall perception of the game, and I don't expect everyone to share my opinions, but even the developers said before it was released, this game was made for RPers. PvPers will most likely tire of this game quickly.


What do I do to fill my time? I have meetings, I forge alliances. I perform wedding ceremonies. I flirt with women in the cantina. I abuse my underlings as a good dictator should. I play one side against the other, starting battles that have no effect on me. I send spies to acquire information on PAs and locations, then RP out the selling of that information to the highest bidder. Basically, I create a story that my membership will love to take part in.


In short, ask yourself this, when you have reached the end of SWG, what legacy are you leaving behind? My members will always remember me for having created a story that they not only enjoyed, but were a part of. Isn't that what it's all about?

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I see your point but at this time I am having a good time killing things. And as I said before "I have not done any RP yet but probably will in the future". And when I do start RPing I will not care if someone comes up beside me and starts shouting "Can I get some Hunting IV training, I have the XP!". Hell I wouldnt care if they went out and had sex with a meatlump bafoon becuase they are paying the same amount of money I am to play. And when all us FPSers get "bored" without the RPing we will come begging to be in your PA and you will have fresh underlings to abuse all the time. But I also thought that part of being in a big PA was to make it easier to get hunting groups together. If I could go out with 19 other folks every day and blast away some dark Jedi then it would be a long time before I would get bored of that. There is no instruction manual for RPing that comes with this game. Consider people like me who come from games like Counter-Strike. I have played that game, and nothing else, for two straight years. It appears this game will be an introduction to RPing for many FPSers so try and understand where we are coming from. As chimpuat said "don't assume all us old school FPS guys jumped into SWG just to screw it up for everyone else". I just want to screw up my nme's face with my laser rifle.

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No, I fully understand that. In fact, I am hoping that a lot of people are introduced to the wonderful world of RPing. I have several people that are learning to RP as we speak. We hold RP only events, so people can get together and learn to socialize through RP.


Yes, we do use our PA to gather hunting parties as well, but the prey becomes boring. We hunt Krayts solo already, so is a group really needed? (BTW, don't ask, I'm not giving out the best PA secrets.)


I'm not saying we don't like combat, but isn't combat better with a story? Anyone can go to a battlefield and blow up the opposition for hours on end. What if there was a real story behind it though. Example, what if several PA leaders declared that Tyrena would be a battleground for a week? Would that interest you? Would it be even better if the devs stepped up and said, "We will calculate the winner and change the mission terminals accordingly." Bet you'd be really interested then right? That's my goal, to make something that everyone, even those outside our PA, can enjoy. I don't bash people in game for not RPing, I'm not like that. I guide people as to how to do it correctly, but only if they are willing to learn.

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Well so far i have played this game for around 5 hours . I have acieved Advanced Rifle ( if thats the second one hehe ) . I think i have done some roleplaying as well! :D


( if you count watching a man and women kiss each other...and keep saying they love each other....and then i go up to the girl and kiss her , the guy challenges me to a duel , and i run away with my friends! :) )



So far , i love this game . I love killing things , and RP . I understand why there are so many forums saying , this game sux on the main swg site. This is because they only do one thing , they only kill , or they only craft ETC. In my 3 hours of playing last night i explored 2 planets/i hunted/ i attacked this rly hihg lvl tiger that my group of 2 friends said would rape us and 2 minutes later it was dead ( it was a huge lion , it got caught on a rock or something haahha ) I found a player city/ i met and i think i annoyed lol the #1 docter on naboo ( i went in her HOUSE , there are HOUSES! )....or was it the game?I did so much more. ANYWAYS


This game is awesome atm and i would love , if i could , to join your PA deft.Im guessing that a Pa is a guild?But , im not on your server so scratch that =/


Anyways , thanks for the post guys , keep em up = )

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I am currently browsing BOTH these forums, and to go from your thread to the otehr ones, is like changing worlds. Here people are calm and actually make valid points without the words: Pokemon, Nerf, L337, Rancorchu, and or the words Hitler/Nazi :) It is absolutley amazing. Onwards though by all means,


Anklin, I do not have the game yet (I'm waiting on my DSL :) ) but I will have it in the next 4-5 weeks. Hopefully alot of issues will be cleared up and/or some people leave. I have no problem with the current issues it makes me want to get it even more. I rode through ALL the problems with WWIIOL from the launch date to current and loved every minute. I am a RP type person, I even RP'ed in WWIIOL. Sometimes the patches give you stuff to look forward to, not just things to get angry about. As was stated, the majority of the problems seem to be with the FPS people. And this is not in any way their fault either. This game CAN support both types, but currently I believe it leans more to the RP'ers. And therefore it is perfectly natural that the RP sort should have more fun with it. I think it would be great if the FPS players would turn to the light/RPG side :) but they should not be forced to. If they want to FPS in SWG than it is their right, seeings how the pay the same as I eventually (not soon enough though) will be.


And therefore I would like to know of some way to contact your PA, and by the time I come into the game, it will *probably* be a Player City. I really like the way you described the game, and instead of cursing it for what it ISN'T, you marveled at what it IS. This is to me the key to RPing. So in any case please send me some way of contacting you once I get in game. I am not asking for help of any kind, I would actually rather like to let my Character Develop on his own. But instead would just like to be around a group of guys/girls that play the same style I do. (BTW any un-married girls left :) ?)


In any case it sounds like an excellet game and I can't wait for it. If I didn't think they would come here and start flaming this thread, I would send some people from the Station forums here to see how things can be maturely handeled. Good Job to everyone who posted, and I mean it to. Cya later and hopefull in-game.



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Heheh. Itzing, just /tell Deft (message) or use the ingame e-mail system. We're on the Starsider server.


I don't want you to get the wrong impression, it's not even the PvPers or even the FPS people that really piss us off, it's the griefers like DoA. There is little to know griefing in SWG, but those who do it piss off the whole server, involved or not. The OOC comments and tech talk is just a small portion of the annoyances, we just make it a point to avoid all that negative energy. There are a lot of great people on this game, and I don't just mean us, I mean everywhere. It's strange to see so much negativity on the boards and so little in game.


As far as the available women, well....

We have two, one married and one not.

The good news though, we just signed a treaty with an organization of almost all women. :D

I'm good. Trust me when I say, I can find you a woman if you're truly into that. I am currently courting....*counts on fingers*...half the server? ;)

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I have a ? Mr. Aklin. Cruise and I decided to go to visit the rebel base on Corellia yesterday. Of course Cruise told me we should get 200 rebel faction points before we go but it was getting late and we knew we had to travel a long way. so we take shuttle to kor vella and head into the hills - at first just some durni and mottled wrix popped up. we stayed away from the wrix. then we saw a grand wrix but he was not aggressive. we started to get close and saw some stormtroopers. there was actually a ch there who attacked them. of course we didnt help we thought that was a little crazy since there was a general right there with them. so we ran past them and then we see a flail. of course he started shooting at us so we ran back through the stormtroopers and they killed him. we see many more flails but we keep them as arrows on our radar so they dont mess with us. we finally get to the rebel base and go up to try and join but it says we need 200 faction points. oh well it was cool to see and we are going to do missions to get faction tonight so we can go see leia. my question is, is there a pa that is rebel? I see that many require you to be neutral but I am thinking people who actually follow the missions the devs are putting out there will probably unlock their forced slot faster so I will be getting faction so I can do that. If anyone wants to go to the rebel base tonight on lowca server /t diables after 7pm and we will go do some missions to build faction and then travel to the base.

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srry had to get that out, but in 3 weeks or so I should be up and running with DSL which = SWG. I have decided not to even try it with Dial-up because it is so slow. But just though I'd give everyone fair warning :) and hopefully some of the key issues will be cleared up ( I hear the new UI isn't very good btw) Have fun, and once I'm finally in I'll contact you Deft. cya'll later.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I love reading reviews for SWG bad or good, I cant play till i upgrade my comp :(, but even so it makes me want to play it all the more!! Even reading about it makes me feel like I am apart of the game even though I am not playing right now I remember my brief playings of the past. Thanks everyone for your great reviews!! :)

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