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this questions is like day-zsha-voo


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not sure if i asked this yet or not........are people going into the proffesions of chef and entertainer and artison....you know the average day person proffesions? seems like the game would be kinda weird if it was only full of marksman and stuff...

:evanpiel: <-----mutant pimple

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um...yeah...just kinda.


Marksmen can not survive without a decent gun or armor and alot of people want furniture, etc, etc...there are plenty of Artisans...heck 99% of scouts at least have novice artisan so they can build their camps and traps.


As for entertainers...they are everywhere. Lots of people are entertainers...heck I am one on Scylla. It's fun knowing all the regulars and playing organized songs with bandflourishes and practiced flourish combos. Getting a real band together is great stuff.


Really every profession is used. Sure there is a HUGE amount of marksmen, but that's because most people might be thinking about staying alive.


Trust me though...there isn't a problem with a lack of people in any profession.

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