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Stuck-Level 1


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Gads, I feel like such a sucker, but can't get past the end of level 1.


I have collected the three colored keys (they're on my data pad), but every time I try to enter anything into the comp in the egg shaped chamber, kyle says the units offline.


My method for entering is pressing the user key. Is there another way, or have I failed to flip a switch somwhere? The lights are on in the chamber, and three things that look like switches on the comp column are blinking red, green, and blue respectively.


I must be missing something obvious??





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Originally posted by radix

Gads, I feel like such a sucker, but can't get past the end of level 1.


I have collected the three colored keys (they're on my data pad), but every time I try to enter anything into the comp in the egg shaped chamber, kyle says the units offline.


My method for entering is pressing the user key. Is there another way, or have I failed to flip a switch somwhere? The lights are on in the chamber, and three things that look like switches on the comp column are blinking red, green, and blue respectively.


I must be missing something obvious??






I'm pretty sure you gotta hit a switch to turn it online. I forget where it was thoguh. Sorry. there must be a thread about ti around ehre, or chose the link Sam put up.

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You've gotta take an elevator beyond the...green Imperial logo, I think....that leads to room where you deactivate a forcefield so you can run across and hit a switch to activate the console. Outcast Strategy is probably more helpful, or search for "Jedi outcast walkthrough kejim post" or somesuch.

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While I appreciate the plugs for my site, I must admit that it probably won't help much, considering this is a SP question (Outcast Strategy is a multiplayer site).


However, if you go to OS and check the "other guides" section, you will find some links that contain SP info (like gamefaqs). If you check those out, you will find your questions answered.


Good luck!

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