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Where did all my help go? ;)


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Well, I think when you put the term, "publish" in there it can be misleading. If I write a story for a PA, which we are all equals, why should you be able to proofread or edit it.


I think, more people would submit, if you gave people, at least, members, the ability to submit it without you "publishing" it. I know, this would require you to turn over website editing rights, but unless you have personal information on a PA website, all members, all equals, should be able to access it. It's all based on trust.


What kind of stories are you looking for? I have some already, with screenies.

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Hey, I'm still waiting to learn how to use the code on the site, so I can add stuff. :p


Well, I think when you put the term, "publish" in there it can be misleading. If I write a story for a PA, which we are all equals, why should you be able to proofread or edit it.

Oh, for the love of God, Jek! Stop with the "conspiracy theory" attitude, or whatever you want to call it!!

He's not gonna change anything in the stories (except for perhaps excess profanity which really should not be on our site) or anything like that. He will read it and post it. He may not even read it before hand.

Besides, it's his site, and his money paying for the domain, so he can basically do whatever he wants with it. But he chooses to us it for our PA.

Now, how many here, not including the required cash needed to stay online and paying for the monthly fee and electricity etc..., can say they are using their own money on this PA? I certaintly can't.

Granted, it's not really a big sum as I understand, but it's more than even I put into the PA in real cash.

It's all based on trust.

That's hypocritical.

You want Murashu to trust you and everyone else, but you're not willing to trust Murashu. :rolleyes:

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