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Creating NPCs


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I have been trying to create an NPC for JK2 single player, and I have added the appropiate entry in npcs.cfg. I started by using the luke model for testing (I just copied its folder and renamed it to my character name). The model is fine, but he doesn't have a saber. Well, he has one, but his hands are holding an invisible blaster (which he fires) and he has no force powers. I tried using the jedi model, and setting his class to jedi, but not luck. In fact, the lightsaber was then between his legs.


Can anyone help?

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This is the current entry in npcs.cfg:




fullName "Aurodian"

playerModel aurodian

saberColor orange

rank commander

reactions 5

aim 5

move 5

aggression 5

evasion 5

intelligence 5

vigilance 1

playerTeam player

enemyTeam enemy

class jedi

yawSpeed 150

walkSpeed 60

runSpeed 210

vfov 160

hfov 160

// race human

snd jedi1

sndcombat jedi1

sndjedi jedi1

health 400

dismemberProbHead 0

dismemberProbArms 0

dismemberProbLegs 0

dismemberProbHands 0

dismemberProbWaist 0



The model aurodian is currently a copy of the luke model, with the skin files updated to reflect the path changes.

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It works!! Thanks!


I have two other questions though:


1. What other models can new npcs be based on (for example, is there any way to use luke or desann)?


2. I figure the class attribute is what gives all the properties, like force powers and weapons. Is there any way to create new ones?

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